Thursday, April 14, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
The few U.S. Muslim women who choose full veil face mix of harassment, sympathy
Washington Post
She has worn the full veil known as a niqab since shortly after she converted to Islam in 1975. By Steve Hendrix, Wednesday, April 13, 8:40 PM Safiyyah Abdullah glided through the produce aisle of the Gaithersburg Giant Wednesday, oblivious to the ...
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Peter King Radical Islam Hearings a Step in the Right Direction<br />
By Tawfik Hamid Radical Islam and apologists throw the term Islamophobia around to paint anyone who dares criticize radical Islam as racists. But it should not silence those who attempt to tell the truth about jihadist Islam. ...
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Islamic Center reports threat
Jamil Saquer, a board member at the Islamic Center of Springfield, shows the general area where the Qurans were found outside the center. / Nathan Papes / News-Leader Faded graffiti remains on the side of the Islamic Center on Wednesday from vandalism ...
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Dutch anti-Islam politician Wilders' hate speech trial resumes, lawyer aims to ...
The Canadian Press
AMSTERDAM — Defence lawyers sought Wednesday to discredit a judge who ordered Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders to face trial on charges of inciting hatred against Muslims. Wilders, leader of the country's third-largest political party, ...
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The Canadian Press
Hate Speech Trial Of Dutch MP Geert Wilders Resumes
RTT News
He is accused of describing the Holy Koran as a "fascist book" and comparing Islam to Nazism. Wilders' film 'Fitna' had caused an outrage among Muslims across the world after it was posted on the Internet in 2008. Opening footage of the film shows ...
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Clinton calls for women's rights in Muslim world
Washington Times
"Communities from Egypt to Jordan to Senegal are beginning to take on entrenched practices like child marriage, honor crimes and female cutting," she said. "All over the world we see living proof that Islam and women's rights are compatible."
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Washington Times
CAIR-MN Welcomes Federal Agreement on Harassment of Somali Students
Sacramento Bee
Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Reader comments on are the opinions of the ...
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Fatal rest in a container
The Daily Star
Din Islam who managed to stay alive trapped inside a cargo container for nine days without food or water. Photo Courtesy: Akm Mohsin, Banglar Kantha Porimol Palma A Bangladeshi port worker survived nine days trapped without food or water in a cargo ...
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Gambia: Burning the Qur'an
It is an open secret that out of pride, arrogance and sycophancy, the Western countries, the US and the EU in particular, have waged an open war against Islam and the Muslim Ummah. Everything remotely reflecting Islam or Muslims is being targeted, ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
American Muslims Must Stand Up and Denounce Radical Islam - US ...
US News & World Report Politics ... Like Nazi Germany, radical Islam seeks the destruction, subversion, destabilization, and collapse of the U.S. government ...

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