Friday, April 15, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamic center reports threat, finds charred Qurans
USA Today
News-Leader Leaders of the Islamic Center of Springfield say they received a threatening letter targeting Muslims on Sunday and earlier that day found charred remains of three Qurans. The FBI confirmed an investigation into possible civil rights ...
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Muslim Woman Admits to Sending Bloody Pig's Foot to King
Fox News (blog)
Peter King, apparently in protest over the hearing he held on radical Islam. Jacquelyn Barnette, who described herself as Muslim, told the New York Post she sent King the package, which also contained an anti-Semitic note, this month. ...
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Fox News (blog)
Hostel warden charged with pupil's murder
The Borneo Post
He was charged with murdering Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee between 6pm and midnight on March 31 at the hostel of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al Furqan, Jejawi, near here. The prosecution is represented by Deputy Public Prosecutor Azman Abu Hassan while the ...
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Tea Party plans protest at Mississippi Islamic Center
The Republic
By YOLANDA JONES and RON MAXEY - Scripps Howard News Service Tea Party of Mississippi founder Don Daniels is planning a protest of what he calls "radical Islam" at an Islamic center on the day before Easter. Daniels said this week he expects to draw ...
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For Some Latinos, Islam Is Simple
Milena recently began attending Qur'an classes on Wednesday nights at the North Hudson Islamic Center in Union City, New Jersey. Milena is one of thousands of Latino Americans who has converted to Islam. She embraced the fast-growing religion four ...
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Blog: Dallas officials ready to move forward on Holy Land Foundation follow-up ...
Dallas Morning News (blog)
Not only would these Muslim groups and their friends in the media be screaming "Islamophobia" at the top of their lungs and that this is a war against Islam, but the administration would look like absolute fools. It's kind of hard to prosecute someone ...
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Muslim professor is subject of protests at FAU
Elsewhere on campus, a group of about 100 FAU students and employees held a counter-protest with a banner reading, "No Islamaphobia at FAU" They say Al-halabi has become the victim of Islam-bashing. "It's absurd," said Joseph Gundel, 29, ...
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Birmingham's Nation of Islam leaders call for firing of officers involved in ... (blog)
Watch video Members of the Nation of Islam today called on Birmingham police and city officials to take action against officers recently shown in avideo striking a suspect who had raised his hands in the air. The suggestions were made in response to ...
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Fox Nation Promotes Trump's Islam-Bashing
Media Matters for America (blog)
During an appearance on The View in October 2010, O'Reilly asserted that "Muslims killed us on 9-11" while discussing a proposed Islamic center in New York City. O'Reilly later apologized, saying, "If anyone felt that I was demeaning all Muslims, ...
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Media Matters for America (blog)

Web1 new result for Islam news
Dutch anti-Islam politician's speech trial resumes - CBS News
CBS Evening News Community rallies around teen with brain cancer 6 of 9 ... The hate speech trial of Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, far right, ...

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