Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
With new platform, Liberals chart course back to Trudeauville
Globe and Mail
In 94 pages, Michael Ignatieff has unveiled a new Liberal Red Book that asks Canadians to fundamentally reject not only Stephen Harper's Conservatives, but everything they've stood for. Over the remaining four weeks of this election campaign, ...
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Globe and Mail
Tories slam Liberal promise to give grant to Ontario aircraft maker
Montreal Gazette
LONDON, Ont. — The Conservatives are accusing the Liberals of playing "pure politics" over the fate of a troubled aircraft maker in a sign of the bitter battle for votes in Ontario's manufacturing heartland. Diamond Aircraft recently laid off 213 of ...
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First lower house NSW Green flags apt development
ABC Online
The seat of Balmain has been considered Labour territory for most of its history but the Liberals polled best on primary votes and preferences gave it to the Greens at the 2011 NSW State Election. So, how will the first ever Greens MP in the NSW lower ...
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German foreign minister quits as liberal party leader
"I will continue to work with all my strength for the success of the liberals, for the success of the FDP," he told reporters. Westerwelle's decision ended days of speculation over his political future, after his Free Democrats, also the junior party ...
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Liberals carry on red book tradition: Paul Martin
Toronto Star
OTTAWA—The Liberals' new election platform comes with a seal of approval from the man who helped invent the famous "red book" of campaign promises: former prime minister Paul Martin. Martin, in an interview Sunday with the Star, said this newest ...
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Toxicity might be good for Gillard
Business Spectator
On the other side, she can stare down the hysterical claims of those self-satisfied front bench Liberals fond of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with One Nation extremists – including their demands of stopping boats and matters that go to national ...
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Easter confident he can dodge Conservative target
Charlottetown Guardian
About 150 people packed into the hall, including a large contingent of provincial Liberal MLAs. Easter was ushered into the hall by a group of young Liberals carrying banners and thunder sticks and chanting Easter's name. ... More on this story in The ...
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Charlottetown Guardian
Liberals' significant climate plan cloaked in silence
Globe and Mail
The Liberal Party's key climate change policy announcement, and by far the most important environmental position taken thus far in the campaign, was buried on page 46 of its policy platform. You are forgiven if you missed it since Michael Ignatieff did ...
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Liberal energy plan smacks of Trudeau: economist
Calgary Sun
By MICHAEL WOOD, CALGARY SUN Alberta's oilsands have come under the crosshairs of the federal Liberals with a new energy scheme one economist says harkens back to Pierre Trudeau's hated National Energy Program. "This policy could have come out of the ...
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Layton struggling to overcome old challenge
Toronto Star
It is the idea, happily reinforced by the Liberals, that a vote for the New Democrats favours the Conservatives because it splits the vote. "Oh come on!" Layton said Saturday when reporters grilled him about the modest size of the crowd that gathered ...
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Blogs3 new results for Liberals
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Liberals
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Liberals. Do you want Barack Obama to get a primary challenge from the left? Note that this is not the same question as whether you want him renominated, or even if you would support a challenger in the primaries . ...
A plain blog about politics -
Liberals unveil electoral platform - Need to know -
By alexderry
Jim Flaherty called the Liberal platform a "high-spending, high-tax agenda," … and a 56 billion dollar deficiet, 500 billion dollar dept, is not high spending and a tax on future generations of Canadians? The tory bosses had better come ... -
Michael Geist - Liberals First Out With Their Digital Economy Strategy
By Michael Geist
Dr. Michael Geist is the Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa., liberal digital economy strategy.
Michael Geist Blog -

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