Sunday, May 15, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
NDP's 'Karate Kid' shows off his activist roots
Globe and Mail
His goal was to prevent the Conservatives from getting a majority. With more than 22000 votes, his campaign was a success, although he will be stuck on the Official Opposition benches until at least 2015, with a Conservative majority across the aisle. ...
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Globe and Mail
High gasoline prices will help feds tame deficit
Toronto Sun
(Perry Mah/ Qmi Agency) If the Conservatives keep their promise to balance the federal government's books by 2014, they'll have to give partial credit to drivers paying plenty to fill their gas tanks. "It's not just the oil companies that are doing ...
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Conservatives' bill aims for strict spending limit of 18 percent of GDP
The Hill
By Molly K. Hooper - 05/15/11 03:39 PM ET Key members of the conservative Republican Study Committee introduced a bill to make good on their pledge to "cut, cap and balance" federal spending. RSC Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) endorsed the bill ...
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Next leader of BC Tories backs off comments on sexual orientation
Globe and Mail
"As leader of the BC Conservatives, I will strive to ensure that BC is a great place to live, work and raise a family and that all its people enjoy equal respect and treatment in all aspects of their lives." Mr. Cummins was an MP for 18 years, ...
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Globe and Mail
Huckabee's decision not to run for president leaves field a bit more ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — Mike Huckabee's decision to forgo a shot at the presidency further muddies the field for a worthy Republican challenger to President Barack Obama, and leaves America's social conservatives without a clear candidate to throw their ...
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David Cameron and Nick Clegg: 2 birthday boys, but just 1 winner
Daily Mail
It feels like no time at all since the 2010 Election and the failure of the Conservatives to win an overall majority, largely due to Nick Clegg's bravura performance in the first of the television debates. The parliamentary arithmetic presented the ...
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Daily Mail
NDP Now Has a Historic Seat Total
The Mark
This is the NDP's 59th seat in the province, while the Conservatives' total is now five in Quebec. The win gives the NDP 103 seats nationwide, whereas the Conservatives have 166. Jack Layton's NDP now ties with Joe Clark's Progressive Conservative ...
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How should conservatives view the Osama killing?
Enter Stage Right
By Lisa Fabrizio Now that the world's most infamous killer has been taken out of circulation, how should conservatives feel? I mean, apart from the pride in our military and intelligence personnel and the satisfaction that there is one less thug to ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Demonizing Conservatives. Literally!
By directorblue
Demonizing Conservatives. Literally! Dan from New York: The Joker? This is a picture by Reuters of Rep. Paul Ryan, Chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee, at a dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House on May ...
Doug Ross @ Journal -
Freedom's Lighthouse » CNN Anchor: Are Conservatives Criticizing ...
By Michael
CNN anchor Don Lemon asks his guests if there is "some racial undertones" to Conservative criticism of the White House's decision to invite a rapper who wrote lyrics praising a cop-killer to a poetry event. Via Newsbusters ...
Freedom's Lighthouse -
Conservatives Only Care about Marriage | The Bilerico Project
By Alex Blaze
Daily experiments in LGBTQ "Be it resolved that any elected official or potential candidate who does not support marriage as defined between one man and one woman, shall not have their name appear on Row C, the New York State ...
The Bilerico Project -
RINO Romney Leads Most Polls, Conservatives Beware | RedState
By wesxking (Profile)
Mitt Romney is leading in the presidential candidate nominee polls but exactly how conservative is he really?
RedState -

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