Thursday, May 19, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Tories would take sales tax off heat, Hudak promises
Ottawa Citizen
In total, the promised cuts — which amount to Hudak's first major campaign pledge ahead of the fall election — would save the average household $275 a year while costing the province $1.2 billion annually, according to Conservatives. ...
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Tory battle brewing ahead of party convention
The Canadian Press
OTTAWA — A battle is shaping up inside Tory ranks ahead of the party's national convention next month, once again pitting members of the old Canadian Alliance party against former Progressive Conservatives in Quebec and Atlantic Canada, the Canadian ...
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Conservative Party Is Obstacle to Gay Marriage
New York Times
Michael R. Long, the chairman of the Conservative Party in New York State, has emerged as the single most immovable opponent of the legalization of same-sex marriage. By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE Michael R. Long works out of a cluttered office above a Greek ...
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New York Times
Mitch Daniels has a problem: Conservatives
Washington Post (blog)
As I suspected, this perspective sounded alarm bells in conservative quarters. Gary Bauer, perhaps the most prominent Christian conservative activist, e-mailed me: "I think values voters and the entire conservative base of the GOP will have serious ...
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Editorial: Steady as she goes
Ottawa Citizen
The Conservatives have come a long way from the paper-thin group that formed cabinet in 2006, featuring floor-crosser David Emerson and senator Michael Fortier who brought some desperately needed depth but an equal amount of public outrage. ...
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Tories take cap-and-trade system 'off the table': Kent
Toronto Star
The Conservatives head back to the House of Commons on June 2 to face an NDP official opposition that is more stridently opposed to Conservative climate change positions than was the now-decimated Liberal party. Kent allowed that there might be more ...
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'Man Who Wasn't There' surfaces in Ottawa as newly minted Tory MP
The Canadian Press
Disgruntled local Conservatives in Lethbridge have been grousing about the unknown Hillyer's candidacy since he was nominated in April 2010. But that didn't stop the self-described "educator, business consultant and personal adviser" from easily ...
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The Canadian Press
Conservatives to Senate: Read our lips...
The Hill (blog)
By Bernie Becker - 05/19/11 05:15 PM ET A collection of conservative groups is calling on lawmakers to totally remove tax increases from the debate over the budget and the debt ceiling, saying that will help spark needed discussions on spending and ...
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House rejects anti-bullying bill opposed by social conservatives, backed by ...
Then, encouraged by social conservatives at the Louisiana Family Forum, the chamber defeated the bill altogether, handing gay rights activists a 43-54 defeat. During the opening volleys of floor debate Thursday, Badon, D-New Orleans, sought to frame ...
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Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Even the Conservatives Laugh at Jerome Corsi, Now | Slog
By Paul Constant
Oliver Willis introduced me to this video of a Fox Business host grilling, and finally mocking, Where's the Birth Certificate? author Jerome Corsi. Even Fox...
The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper -
In Arizona, there are "[m]ore conservatives joining push to change
By Doug B.
As states face large budget deficits, calls for reforming sentencing for non- violent offenders also are coming increasingly from conservatives who call prison costs unsustainable.... The Goldwater Institute, a private think tank ...
Sentencing Law and Policy -
10 Great Things About America That Drive Conservatives and t ...
By Cal Mendelsohn
Religious Right groups and their allies in the Tea Party claim to respect American values, but much would change if they had their way.
Care2 News Network -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Huckabee and Social Conservatives - By Ramesh Ponnuru - The Corner ...
Ramesh Ponnuru writes on NRO: Unlike many of the commentators over the last few days, I don't think Huckabee had a real shot at the nomination — you need a ...

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