Monday, May 30, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Bishop calls Islamic billboards offensive
Sydney Morning Herald
A Catholic bishop has slammed controversial Islamic billboards for being "provocative and offensive" and he's calling for them to be removed from prominent locations across Sydney. The billboards carrying the slogan `Jesus: a prophet of Islam' were ...
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Russia's Tatarstan warns of radical Islam 'threat'
KAZAN, Russia — Authorities in Tatarstan, a predominantly Muslim region of central Russia, have sounded the alarm about radical Islam spreading to a region previously praised as a model of religious tolerance. In November, three Islamists were killed ...
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Brotherhood says won't force Islamic law on Egypt
Reuters Africa
By Yasmine Saleh CAIRO (Reuters) - The Muslim Brotherhood wants a diverse parliament after elections in September and is not seeking to impose Islamic law on Egypt, the head of the group's newly formed political party said in an interview. ...
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Imam Khamenei warns about new enemy scenario
Ayatollah Khamenei said that it is necessary for the Majlis and the administration to maintain their firm position against the enemies of Islam and Iran, further adding: "The confrontation between the Islamic Revolution and the arrogant powers will ...
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Scotland Goes Mad for Islam
FrontPage Magazine
Posted by Daniel Greenfield on May 30th, 2011 and filed under Daily Mailer, FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. ...
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Even bearded and turbaned people not safe: Fazl
PESHAWAR: Terming the militants' struggle in Pakistan unjust, the central chief of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Maulana Fazlur Rehman, on Sunday said the country was passing through the most difficult phase in its history where even bearded ...
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US itself is laying the ground for reign of Islam in world: Basij commander
Tehran Times
TEHRAN - Basij Commander Mohammad-Reza Naqdi has said that the United States is setting the stage for the future dominance of Islam over the world by its own hands. "The United States, through expanding communications, is developing the infrastructures ...
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New Chicago Islamic College Connected to Mysterious Turkish leader
Chicago News Cooperative
Mustafa Kaya, right, a graduate student from Turkey attending the University of Chicago learns from Majed Ajamia the Thuluth style of calligraphy at American Islamic College. by DAVID LEPESKA | May 30, 2011 The American Islamic College is expected to ...
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Is Uganda ready for Islamic banking?
East African Business Week
It was announced that due to the growing increase of Islamic Finance in Africa the National Islamic Bank would be set up in Uganda. Islamic banking refers to a form of banking that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law (Sharia). ...
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Fanarof & Gross: Threat of incursion of Shariah law into US courts is unfounded
Austin American-Statesman
Such bills do not merely attack Islam, but rather they are an assault on all persons of faith because they hurt the free exercise rights of all Americans. Anti-Shariah bills already have passed in Louisiana and Tennessee, and legislators from at least ...
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