Friday, May 13, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
House progressives, conservatives weigh in on debt-limit fight
Washington Post (blog)
On Thursday, members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus wrote a letter to President Obama calling for House progressive leaders to be included in the ongoing Blair House negotiations and for the CPC's 2012 budget blueprint, "The People's Budget," ...
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Grijalva: All We Are Saying Is Give The Progressive Budget A Chance
Despite the White House and Democratic leadership's seeming reluctance to discuss it, House progressives say their budget proposal didn't just come out of left field and deserves to be part of the discussion. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) told TPM that ...
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Column: How Wal-Mart Drives Progressives Crazy
American Enterprise Institute
By Nick Schulz | USA Today One reason Wal-Mart is such a fun company to observe is it drives progressives nuts. They have a split personality before the Bentonville behemoth. One day they hate the retailing giant for undercutting mom-and-pop shops, ...
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American Enterprise Institute
"Progressive" Christian Group Loves Gays. Just Not in Its Magazine.
Sojourners is well known as one of the most progressive religious organizations around—except, apparently, when it comes to, well, us. The group opposed capital punishment and Republican budget cuts on social programs while embracing world peace and ...
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Zambia: The Epicentre of Progressive Contempt for the Rule of Law
OF the many serious flaws that attach themselves to progressive ideology, perhaps the worst is the reality that the rule of law means nothing if it conflicts with the progressive world view. In Zambia, officials from the opposition groups, ...
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You're a progressive until you write for The Oz, then you can just progress ...
The Australian (blog)
The dry prune of ideas that is Dyrenfurth wrote an attack on the revolutionary Left recently in Murdoch's The Australian called "The agony of the nihilist Left brings progressives into disrepute". The irony of using the paper of reaction to attack the ...
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Liberals have to create a new political centre
Toronto Star
While some progressives continue to bang these drums, no one should be surprised that they no longer resonate. In other cases, the solutions offered in the 20th century are no longer relevant. Canadians know — as health care threatens to eat up 50 per ...
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Unions demand HuffPo's 'riches,' but get nowhere dealing with liberal hypocrites
Washington Examiner (blog)
But, the many bloggers who call themselves 'liberals' or 'progressives' - people who collect money from unions and/or ask for labor's political endorsements - have to stop crossing the Huffington Post electronic picket line. But, they continue to work ...
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Creating Poverty Through 'Social Justice'
Family Security Matters
By creating a tax system that divides the citizenry into classes, it is easier for the Progressives to demonize "the rich." Once that is accomplished, the rationale is that "the rich" can afford to pay more in taxes. It becomes irrelevant that "the ...
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Family Security Matters

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