Saturday, May 14, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea party in Nevada looks to influence 2012 races
Stamford Advocate
CRISTINA SILVA, AP LAS VEGAS (AP) â€" Pitchers of beer were flowing, a mechanical bull seesawed in a corner and a crowd of tea party followers waved American flags like it was Independence Day when unlikely presidential contender Herman Cain stepped ...
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Republican Gubernatorial Candidiate Phil Moffett Stops in Bowling Green
The Tea Party favorite said he supports the right to bear arms and that we have to protect Kentucky's coal industry. Moffett also says he's no stranger to hard work. "I grew up poor, I grew up in a broken family. I did have to work my way up through ...
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Tea party groups shun Arizona-issued license plate for their cause
East Valley Tribune
Some tea party groups apparently do not believe the old adage, ``We're from the government and we're here to help you.'' In a statement issued Friday, representatives of several of the organizations said a new law creating a ``tea party'' license plate ...
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Paul is second Tea Party senator to miss coveted committee slot
The Hill
a favorite son of the Tea Party, wanted a seat on the Senate Budget Committee, but was passed over in favor of a more junior colleague. The decision was made by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who instead picked Sen. ...
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AP Tars Tea Party Movement as 'Grandfathered' By Ron Paul
ChicagoNow (blog)
In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire Tea Party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was somehow fathered or "grandfathered" by Texas Representative Ron Paul, the cranky uncle of ...
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IL Tea Party Activists Expose Alleged Gift Cards-For-Votes School Scam
Town Hall
One thing I love about tea party activists is their commitment to government transparency and accountability. When they see the media speaking no evil, hearing no evil and seeing no evil, they do the media's job for them. ...
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Tea Party-Aligned 'Maxed Out' Tour Hits Parsippany
"That spirit re-emerged in the Tea Party movement," he said. Lonegan said it is time to show that spirit to Frelinghuysen, who voted for bailouts of the auto and banking industries and the Cash for Clunkers program. The AFP also said the congressman ...
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Politics is their cup of tea
Lebanon Daily News
(PHOTO COURTESY OF SUE RODKEY ) In November, the fledgling tea party movement demonstrated its power and influence on national politics as dozens of congressional candidates and several senators were elected after championing the movement's major ...
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Running on Moderation in Immoderate Times
New York Times
He is betting that the Tea Party call of alarm and partisanship is drowning out a majority that prefers Republicans who specialize in reason and reaching across the aisle. Whether he is right will reveal something about the strength of the Tea Party. ...
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New York Times
MIKE TIPPING: Snowe vulnerable in spite of popularity, conservative trends
Kennebec Journal
In fact, according to a new poll released on Friday by the Maine People's Resource Center, an organization I work for, supporters of the tea party are the only ones who don't give Snowe a job approval rating of at least 60 percent. ...
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Kennebec Journal

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea party in Nevada looks to influence 2012 races at Senator Tea ...
By Senator Tea Party
The tea party movement swept Republicans into power in the U.S. House and handfuls of state legislatures last year. Leaders of the loosely organized, sprawling effort say they hope to wield the same influence in 2012, when both Congress ...
Senator Tea Party - Jim DeMint -
AP Tars Tea Party Movement as 'Grandfathered' By Ron Paul - Big ...
By Warner Todd Huston
In the Story, the AP claims that Ron Paul is "both a spiritual father and actual father in the tea party movement." It mentions that his son, Rand, is a "tea party darling" (that one is true, at least) and claims that since Paul had a ...
Big Journalism -
AP Tars Tea Party Movement as 'Grandfathered' By Ron Paul « 2012 ...
By NguyenLorrie
In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire tea party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was somehow fathered or "grandfathered" by Texas Representative Ron Paul, ...
2012 Presidential Election Race -
TEA Party vs Fraudulent tea party in New York 26th district ...
By Rus Thompson
If Corwin loses this, it will be seen as a major loss and a blow to the TEA Party movement across the country. This will embolden the Democrats and I can hear it now, the people in a Republican district have spoken. ...
Albany's Insanity -
Domestic Divapalooza: What happened to the Tea Party?
By Divapalooza
Then I hear that the original Tea Party is not the same Tea Party that some politicians have latched on to. Really? I thought the Tea Party was supposed to be one united cohesive movement of people who believe that we are Taxed Enough ...
Domestic Divapalooza -

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