Saturday, May 7, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
This Week in Politics & Digital: Bin Laden Killed, Obama Stays Cool
This weekly series picks out some of the week's top stories in the intersection of digital technology and politics. Have a look through and let us know what you think by joining the conversation in the comments below. The biggest news to hit the ...
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Egypt's new foreign policy moves test old alliances
Los Angeles Times
The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist party with ties to Hamas, is expected to control a sizeable percentage of parliament. That opens the prospect that Egypt's foreign policy may drift further away from Israeli and US interests.
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Los Angeles Times
GOP address: Patriotism trumps politics
WASHINGTON, May 7 (UPI) -- Political rhetoric was missing from the US Republican party's weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, which focused on the death of a terrorist leader. Traditionally the Republican party's weekly address by select members ...
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US Chamber fights donation disclosure rules
Minneapolis Star Tribune
"We require that individual donors be disclosed, and if corporate America plans to act like individuals and participate in the political process, it is reasonable to expect that their donations be disclosed as well." An executive order forcing tougher ...
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The Buzz: Senate President Haridopolos faces harsh criticism by Republican rivals
By Adam C. Smith, Times Political Editor US Senate candidate Mike Haridopolos had said his campaign would rise or fall based on his performance as state Senate president. He did get two top priorities adopted — ballot initiatives to cap the rate of ...
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Herman Cain: A Political Outsider, And Proud Of It
In 2004, the African-American businessman stepped into his first political campaign — challenging Johnny Isakson for a US Senate seat back in his home state of Georgia. He ran several TV ads, including one aimed at the federal budget debate that was ...
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Obama to propose broader immigration reforms
Washington Examiner
US President Barack Obama signs the Southwest Border Security Bill as Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano looks on in the Oval Office of the White House on August 13, 2010 in Washington, DC. The $600 million bill will place agents and ...
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Washington Examiner
Public opinion aside, Americans under-taxed
Nashua Telegraph
... budget deficits and trim the national debt – huge questions that are expected to dominate the nation's politics through the 2012 elections – the fact that Americans are under-taxed compared with US historical norms is central to the discussion. ...
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Jon Huntsman: US, not China, inspires world
The Seattle Times
Although Huntsman's commencement address to the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina was shorn of overt politics, it comes as he has stepped up his campaign efforts in the state. Since leaving Beijing, Huntsman has been ...
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Web1 new result for U.S. Politics / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Top US tax policy ...
The top US tax policy official will resign next week, just as the Obama administration is considering whether to press forward with its own plan to ...

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