Sunday, May 8, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Give us a break, seniors tell the political leaders
With an election later in the year, political leaders were lining up at the meeting to pitch their policies. Prime Minister John Key addressed the 100-strong audience on Saturday morning, saying superannuation had risen 19 per cent since National had ...
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Lawsuit Forthcoming for Bin Laden Photos
Right Side News
Retribution came this week for Osama bin Laden, the demon terrorist who masterminded the murder of 3000-plus innocents on US soil on 9/11. During a bold and harrowing raid by US Navy Seals, bin Laden was shot and killed in his million dollar compound ...
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Bobby Jindal, Birth Certificates and the Politics of Race
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
This should be no shock to anyone, but it should give us great cause for concern about the future of our political discourse. For those who do not believe that the political and cultural landscape should be formed by this tone and tactic, ...
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'Jerusalem' or 'Israel?' Supreme Court case raises trove of constitutional ...
Washington Post
The Zivotofskys sued, but a district judge in Washington dismissed the case, saying it "raises a quintessential political question which is not justiciable by the courts." A panel of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit agreed. ...
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Huntsman starts possible White House bid
USA Today
By Jackie Kucinich, USA TODAY By Mary Ann Chastain, AP Former US Ambassador to China and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman Jr. speaks at the University of South Carolina's commencement ceremony, Saturday. By Mary Ann Chastain, AP Former US Ambassador ...
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USA Today
AT&T, Opponents to Face Off on the Hill
Wall Street Journal
s controversial $39 billion takeover bid for T-Mobile USA enters the political arena this week as the phone giant faces its first congressional hearing and various sides in the telecommunications battle ramp up their lobbying efforts to win over ...
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Obama order could make corporate political spending public
Los Angeles Times
Under the proposed order, all companies bidding for federal contracts would be required to disclose money spent on political campaign efforts, including dollars forwarded through associations like the US Chamber of Commerce and other private groups. ...
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Los Angeles Times
Cutting Edge Conservative Commentator
The Cutting Edge
How shocked we all were when the final dust settled that indeed a new breed and untested brand of leadership would take the most sought after prize in American politics. For that reason, this election season is proving very, very interesting to watch. ...
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The energy is there, but politics keep getting in the way
Las Vegas Review-Journal
It would hurt the smaller oil and gas independents that produce nine of 10 barrels of US oil. These tax provisions, which are not subsidies, allow independents to invest their profits in reserves and production, as well as create jobs. ...
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White House: Success in Protecting Libyan Civilians
ABC News
Recalling NATO's ineffective war policy in Bosnia, where the US "gave the Europeans the lead and they weren't able to protect the civilians," Amanpour asked if the United States policy of "leading from behind" will be ineffective in achieving the ...
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ABC News

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post
The U.S. Should Avoid Being Entangled in Civil War in Libya ... UN Security Council could more actively search for a political settlement of the conflict. ...

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