Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beck's Last Day

Media Matters June 30, 2011

Dear Friend,

Finally! After two long years of extremism, race baiting, lies, and conspiracy theories that have divided our country, Glenn Beck is ending his nightly Fox News show.

But the fight against right-wing misinformation on the airwaves is far from over. Every day, we watch the dishonesty, bias, and political manipulation on Fox News and throughout the right-wing media. And we work to prevent the destructive impact it has on every national debate from health care to immigration reform, from climate change to LGBT rights.

Now is not a time to sit back; it's a time to ramp up. Can you chip in to support our work?

Make your donation today.

Beck's departure from his Fox show didn't just happen -- this moment is the result of constant monitoring, meticulous fact-checking, and our dogged exposure of Beck's toxic falsehoods and attacks.

We've worked every day to make sure reputable journalists, political leaders, and potential advertisers understood what kind of poison Beck injected into the debate. In the end, Beck lost his ratings, his relevance and, as advertisers departed, revenue for Fox News. And we were able to show the world that hate doesn't pay.

Still, our job is far from over. Beck was just one of many right-wing media outlets peddling misinformation and hate. And Fox News continues to package a right-wing political agenda as news every single day.

From Beck's claim that Obama was a "racist" who "hates white people" to his role in inspiring a gunman's attempted attack on progressive institutions, from his efforts to oust administration officials through smear campaigns to his exploitation of the Holocaust, Media Matters for America has been there to respond in real time to Beck's extremism and lies. With your help,we'll continue to fight against misinformation and hate on the airwaves around the clock.

It won't be easy, but Beck's departure shows that, with your help, we can change the media environment for the better.

Make your donation today.

Thank you for your support. Without you, we couldn't keep up this important work.

Matt Butler
President and CEO
Media Matters for America

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© 2011 Media Matters for America
455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20001

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