Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Ann Coulter on the 'Liberal Mob' and Rep. Anthony Weiner's 'Sexting' Scandal
ABC News
(Cliff Owen/AP Photo) Her brash commentary that comes with guns drawn against liberals has earned her some nasty labels. She has been called a fascist, a shank, a huckster of ideological hate and the Paris Hilton of post-modern politics; none of which, ...
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ABC News
Conservatives dispense with throne speech debate, opposition cries foul
The Canadian Press
New Democrats and Liberals are criticizing the government for dispensing with the traditional debate and vote on the throne speech. The blueprint for the Conservatives' first majority mandate kicked off the 41st session of Parliament last Friday. ...
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Republican party reptile who feeds on liberals
The Independent
By Rupert Cornwell GETTY IMAGES; AP The loser in the Anthony Weiner debacle is obvious: a bedraggled one-time liberal star in Congress whose career, for now at least, is in ruins. But scandals can have winners too – and the big winner in this one is ...
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Opposition criticism over HST "downright bizzare": Falcon
The Province
... 6:09 PM NDP leader Adrian Dix officially kicked off his party's provincewide anti-HST campaign on Tuesday, calling the controversial tax a burden to working and middle class families and charging the Liberals of being a party that can't be trusted. ...
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Liberals back Adelaide project
Sydney Morning Herald
THE redevelopment of the Adelaide Oval remains on shaky ground despite signs of support from the state Liberal opposition to approve legislation for the ambitious project. It has presented a host of demands, including AFL football and cricket paying $1 ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Why liberals are trying to silence Cornel West
San Francisco Chronicle
For the last few weeks, journalists, liberal bloggers and academics have been piling on the Princeton professor and best-selling author with one vicious attack after another. The gloves are off, and it's all because one of the country's most prominent ...
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Ontario firefighters group endorses McGuinty
Ottawa Citizen
LeBlanc said the endorsement doesn't mean every firefighter in the province will vote for the Liberals. He said there are members who support the Progressive Conservatives, and they are free to vote for them. But as an association charged with the ...
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newSurging NB NDP tied with Liberals: poll
NDP Leader Dominic Cardy's party has now jumped into a tie for second place with the Liberals in the latest CRA poll. (CBC) New Brunswick's NDP has caught the Liberals for second place in popular support among voters, according to the latest Corporate ...
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Ontario Liberals told to show north respect if they want to win seats
Toronto Star
Ontario's Liberals will have to prove to northerners they understand their concerns if they wish to shore up support in that area for the upcoming election. The Federation of Northern Municipalities says it's tired of having laws and policies passed ...
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Weiner 'sexter' a self-described 'super liberal'
Las Vegas Review-Journal (blog)
The Las Vegas woman identified as having had a racy online relationship with New York congressman Anthony Weiner describes herself as a "super liberal" whose heroes include Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. Lisa Weiss, a blackjack dealer who has worked at ...
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Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Intellectual Scatology: Ann Coulter's New Book Calls Liberals ...
By Chauncey DeVega
Ann Coulter has penned a new missive in which she argues that "the liberals"–anyone not a Right-wing Republican–are part of a dangerous mob. In turn, this mob will destroy democracy. There are also biblical overtones because these mobs ...
AlterNet Blogs Master Site Feed Posts
Liberals Just Don't Get It | El Conservador | a mySA.com blog
By George Rodriguez
Liberal politicians just don't get it. Liberal State Rep. Harold Dutton from Houston, recently asked Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss, if liberals even mattered in Austin during this legislative session. ...
El Conservador

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