Sunday, June 26, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
NY Gay Marriage Vote's Lesson for Progressives: Being Right Is the Easy Part
Huffington Post (blog)
Too many progressives sabotage themselves because they haven't learned this important lesson about making change happen: As the Times reports, passing the gay marriage law in New York took a lot more than figuring out that full equality should apply to ...
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New Progressive Alliance (NPA) should harness One-Off Lesser Evil Elections
New Progressive Alliance, a new progressive organization that looks to aggressively pursue progressive goals, rightly eschews a 'lesser evil' approach to politics. Lesser evilism is a stupid voting strategy, as was recently confirmed to me by the ...
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US Progressive's 2012 Campaign Challenge
UK Progressive Magazine
In November 2010, US progressives pouted, sat on their hands and stayed home (same in the UK as the Conservative Tories won control and started the austerity movement.). The end result was not just a sweep of the House, but a control of key ...
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Who Does The Law Serve?
Foreign Policy Journal
by Paul Craig Roberts When my book (with Lawrence Stratton), The Tyranny of Good Intentions, was published, progressives and the left-wing refused to believe that the rich suffer frame-ups from prosecutorial abuse. Their response was that law is ...
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Local Groups Critical of Obama's Plan to Withdraw Troops Stage Protest
Bay Area Indymedia
Judy Hess, leader of the recently formed, Central Valley-Sierra Progressives chapter of Progressive Democrats of America said, "We now have 200000 troops and contractors in Afghanistan and the President's decision to withdraw 33000 by the end of 2012 ...
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Vote Yes or No
dagblog (blog)
by rmrd0000 6/26/2011 - 7:32 pm When I read and hear of all the despair about the current situation in the United States expressed by Progressives, I often wonder why I'm not equally depressed. I find comfort when I read polls that note that despite ...
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The 2011 NOW Left-Wing Activism Conference
Washington Times
Celinda Lake is a prominent pollster and political strategist for Democrats and progressives. 14.) Katie Makkai - In addition to poetry, Makkai also writes humorous short stories about her experiences as a woman navigating the social and political ...
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Washington Times
Gore's consolation prizes hit the ground
"Progressives' overwhelming belief that one of their own was entitled to be president led very directly to our current state of hyper-partisanism and disunity." Mr. Gore's most strident supporters worship the delusion of their own omniscience to such a ...
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Hillsborough map still unfair to voters
Washington needs to examine a map that looks to be more about disenfranchising minorities and progressives than apportioning power fairly. The seven-member board is composed of three countywide commissioners and four who serve single-member districts. ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
Daily Kos: Progressives win if Obama loses in 2012
By (NoFortunateSon)
Barack Obama has failed progressives in every arena. Although it'd be preferable to unseat Obama with a primary challenger in time for 2012, because none has stepped forward (tic toc...), it would be beneficial to the progressive ...
Progressives Squawk at Obama | The Hollywood Liberal
Progressives Squawk at Obama Dana Milbank, Washington PostIt was another day of President Obama-bashing at the Capitol."I'm profoundly disappointed," one lawmaker said at a news conference Thursday morning.
The Hollywood Liberal

Web1 new result for Progressives
Can Progressives Start Their Own Tea Party? | Common Dreams
I consider myself progressive, but I am not joining a Tea Party. The time for tea and parties is over, work needs to get done! ...

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