Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
GOP poll: Tea party movement could cost Republicans in 2012
An internal Republican poll shows that the tea party, while popular among the GOP faithful, is a turnoff to many other Florida voters. BY MARC CAPUTO Beware, Florida Republicans: The tea party movement that swept you into office in 2010 could cost you ...
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Tea Party crasher
The Hill
But his calm and courtly manner, and the premium he is placing on civility, belie Huntsman's gutsy and likely boneheaded belief that the Tea Party can't decide the next election, as it was credited with doing in 2010. He is challenging the prevailing ...
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ACLU Teams With Tea Party Against Redding
Courthouse News Service
(CN) - The ACLU and the Tea Party won one together, sort of. The odd bedfellows sued Redding separately, but on the same side of the same issue in May, challenging a law that allowed just one group at a time to distribute leaflets in a free-speech ...
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Courthouse News Service
In NJ public worker benefits fight, tea party language, symbolism emerge in ...
The Republic
JOSH LEDERMAN AP TRENTON, NJ — The protest outside the New Jersey Statehouse had all the usual trappings of a tea party rally: colonial costumes, allusions to governments infringing on rights and rattlesnake-emblazoned Gadsden flags reading "Don't ...
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The Tea Party and the John Birch Society
Michigan Messenger
By Ed Brayton | 06.22.11 | 7:23 am The Institute for Research and Education and Human Rights has a report on the Tea Party group FreedomWorks, led by Dick Armey, and their increasing association with the John Birch Society. As noted in Tea Party ...
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Coming Split Between Marco Rubio and Tea Party on International Issues?
Sunshine State News (blog)
Marco Rubio, a darling of the tea party when he was the Republican candidate in 2010, may find himself on the outs with that group down the road over international affairs. I'm not sure if I buy it; I suspect many of the Republicans questioning ...
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Obama Impersonator Pulled Off Republican Stage After Joking About Tea Party ...
But when Brown turned to the Republican and Tea Party candidates like Gingrich, Trump, and Bachmann, he was escorted from the stage and his microphone cut. Subscribe to FREE Towleroad daily headlines with our RSS feed! You can follow this conversation ...
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Tea Party-Backed Lawmakers Want Deficit in Half
Christian Broadcasting Network
As lawmakers in the House of Representatives and the Senate negotiate with Vice President Joe Biden on a deal to raise the nation's debt ceiling, Tea Party-backed congressmen are demanding specific conditions. They want to cut the deficit in half, ...
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Trump picks up the tab for Boca Raton Tea Party rally
Sun-Sentinel (blog)
By Rebekah Monson June 22, 2011 05:44 PM Donald Trump will pick up the tab on more than $6000 in unpaid bills for an April Tea Party rally in Boca Raton. "Mr. Trump was honored that the Tea Party event orchestrated by Everett Wilkinson generated more ...
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Sun-Sentinel (blog)
Bachmann to Formally Kickoff Campaign Monday
ABC News (blog)
Michele Bachmann will formally kick off her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday in Waterloo, Iowa, where the Tea Party favorite hopes her appeal to the state's social conservatives will give her a leg up in country's first ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Could Cost Republicans In Florida In 2012: GOP Poll
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Beware, Florida Republicans: The tea party movement that swept you into office in 2010 could cost you the next election.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Jon Huntsman Is the Anti-Tea Party Candidate - Politics - The ...
Not only did he serve Obama, Huntsman's family gave thousands to Harry Reid.
Latest Posts | The Atlantic Wire
Where Does The Tea Party Stand On The Ryan Budget? | RedState
By tomtflorida (Profile)
By Tom Tillison Florida Political Press One of the most prominent Tea Party leaders in all of Florida has come out in strong opposition to the Ryan.
Despite today's announcement, Tea Party/GOP health care repeal won ...
By Joseph
The Tea Party folks certainly are motivated, but centralized coordination is not one of their strong points. And training seems to be pretty much non-existent. Anyone can go to their website, watch a couple of YouTube videos (if they ...
Will The Tea Party Become a Liability For GOP Hopefuls? at Pat Dollard
By Angelia Phillips
There has been a hijacking of the Tea Party. Once the "Taxed Enough Already" Movement with a good message that we the people are fed up with the waste and abuse in DC. But an element of the Tea Party now wants to change the Constitution ...
Pat Dollard

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