Sunday, June 26, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Heroine Bachmann Announcing Republican Presidential Run in Iowa
By John McCormick - Mon Jun 27 04:00:01 GMT 2011 Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman whose attacks on President Barack Obama and his policies made her a favorite of Tea Party activists, pivots from talk to action today as she formally enters ...
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Tea Party Plans Its Own Debt Panel
New York Times (blog)
By KATE ZERNIKE While the Tea Party movement has led the charge for cutting the national debt, its supporters have often struggled to explain how, exactly, they would do so. Now some are out to change that, joining a Tea Party debt commission that ...
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Florida's GOP Senate candidates court tea party vote at Pinellas forum
By David DeCamp, Times Staff Writer PINELLAS PARK — The route to a tea party-led political forum ultimately required turning to the right. That posed little trouble Sunday to four US Senate candidates seeking the Republican Party's nomination to run ...
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Spartanburg Tea Party Upset With Representatives
News Channel 7
The Spartanburg Tea Party says they're angry at six Spartanburg representatives who voted against state income tax credits for parents who send their kids to private school. By Christine Scarpelli Members of the Spartanburg Tea Party are upset because ...
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Coming Soon: Tea Party TV
Lez Get Real
They met when Wilson was pulling together the Pasadena Tea Party and hired Riley, who impersonates Patrick Henry, for a performance. Riley financed the first episode of Courage, New Hampshire, with $120000. Though The Travails of Sarah Pine are being ...
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Tri-County Tea Party launches Treats for Troops
More>> The Tri-County Tea Party is calling on the Valley to support our troops. Organizers of a program called Treats for Troops are collecting things like books, magazines, snacks, and thank you cards to send to those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. ...
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Janeane Garofalo Talks Tea Party, Larry Sanders Show & Jason Bateman With ...
Huffington Post (satire)
In a Web exclusive interview from the new "Countdown With Keith Olbermann," Janeane Garofalo discusses everything from the cancellation of her new show, to the backlash she got for calling the tea party racist, to what a great actor Jason Bateman has ...
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Gov. Rick Scott faces tough decision on costly Orlando commuter rail line
By Janet Zink, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau TALLAHASSEE — Roused by his tea party base, Gov. Rick Scott early this year halted a decades-in-the-works bullet train linking Tampa and Orlando — citing concerns about possible costs to Florida ...
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Tea party raises £900 for the Churches Conservation Trust
Rutland Times
A TEA party held at Holy Cross Church in Burley on Saturday and Sunday raised £900 for the Churches Conservation Trust. The event was part of a nationwide campaign to raise money for redundant churches and was organised by the Friends of Burley Church. ...
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Rutland Times
DeMint: Balanced budget pledge is litmus test for his support of 2012 contenders
Washington Post
... said Sunday that a new balanced budget pledge is now a litmus test for his support and that he had ruled out backing former Utah governor Jon Huntsman Jr. DeMint, a leader of the tea party movement in Washington and a popular voice among grassroots ...
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Blogs3 new results for "Tea Party"
Michele Bachmann Presidential Campaign Tests Tea Party Power Limits
By The Huffington Post News Editors
(Reuters) - Conservative firebrand Michele Bachmann will test the limits of how far a favorite of the Tea Party movement can go when she formally launches her campaign for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination on Monday.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Bachmann's White House bid under Tea Party banner | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
Her rival Sarah Palin, a Tea Party superstar who was the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, has yet to announce her intentions about a possible presidential bid. In her absence, Bachmann hopes to score a hold on the conservative ...
The Raw Story
Courage New Hampshire: Tea Party goes to Hollywood | The Right Scoop
By The Right Scoop
Posted by The Right Scoop on Jun 26, 2011 in Politics | 4 comments. A new Tea Party film is premiering in California tonight called Courage New Hampshire and it sounds great based on Tony Katz's endorsement: ...
The Right Scoop

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