Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
S&P restates political threat to U.S. AAA rating
By William James and Emelia Sithole-Matarise LONDON (Reuters) - The risks of the US losing its prized triple-A rating over the medium term have increased as the country faces a political impasse and nears its debt ceiling, Standard and Poor's said on ...
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US Mission Exposes Divisions in Congress and Within GOP
New York Times
House members of both parties and various political stripes seemed undaunted. Representative Dennis J. Kucinich, a Democrat of Ohio, will offer an amendment to a Pentagon spending bill to deny money for operations in Libya, as will Representative ...
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Europe's Problems - US Money Funds and Politics
Something like this would create a fire storm in American politics. This would not be a TARP situation, but I don't care. That is how the vast majority of Americans would look it at. US Bails Out European Banks would be the headline. ...
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Huntsman Enters Race With Promise of Civility
New York Times
"But the question each of us wants the voters to answer is who will be the better president, not who's the better American." Under cloud cover that turned the Hudson River behind him a steely gray, Mr. Huntsman vowed to provide "leadership that knows ...
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New York Times
In Minnesota, Roots of a Run for President
New York Times
"We had our five biological children that God gave to us, and then he called us to take foster children into our home," Mrs. Bachmann told a Christian audience in 2006. "We thought we were going to take unwed mothers in," she continued, adding, ...
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New York Times
Will the Arab Spring bring US-style "culture wars" to the Middle East?
Reuters Blogs (blog)
The right to conversion will become a political demand. We have to expect a huge debate about that and we shouldn't be afraid of it." Here's where Roy's argument links into the "culture war" model in US politics, which conservative Christian ...
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Reuters Blogs (blog)
Analysis: Deficit forces AARP compromise on Social Security
But David Gergen, an adviser to four former US presidents and a non-partisan political analyst, said AARP recognizes that Social Security is "on an unsustainable path." Gergen added: "They recognize that it is better to work within the system to bring ...
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US Republican hopeful Bachmann gets fundraising bump
By Kim Dixon WASHINGTON — US presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann saw a jump in political donations in May, aided in large part by small contributions as she revs up her fundraising machine for the 2012 Republican nomination. ...
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Obama to Unveil Timetable for US Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan
PBS NewsHour
It was done for political reasons, with no recommendation from any of our military leaders. But I hope that it's modest. And I believe that one more fighting season, and we can get this thing pretty well wrapped up. JEFFREY BROWN: But among many of ...
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S&P says California credit rating at "crossroad"
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California's credit rating is at a "crossroad," Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said on Tuesday, noting concerns about the state's cash and budget politics as the new fiscal year approaches. ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
NewsDaily: S&P restates political threat to U.S. AAA rating
By William James and Emelia Sithole-Matarise
The risks of the U.S. losing its prized triple-A rating over the medium term have increased as the country faces a political impasse and nears its debt ceiling, Standard and Poor's said on Tuesday.
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