Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
'Ground Zero Mosque' Clears Legal Hurdle to Build
ABC News
By RESHMA KIRPALANI A truck decorated with anti-Islam messages drives past the site of a proposed mosque and Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero in this Sept. 9, 2010 file photo, in New York City. (Chris Hondros/Getty Images) The backers of the ...
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ABC News
Boko Haram Claims Attack On Banks, Demands Withdrawal Of JTF
Times of Nigeria
When asked if Islam allows anybody to forcefully snatch something from its original owner as they did after attacking the banks, Zaid said: "we had carefully investigated the affected banks and found that the owners and majority of its depositors were ...
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Turkey and Egypt: Islam's Future?
Religion Dispatches
Islam and Christianity are frequently described as "missionary religions." Considering that well over half the planet's population belongs in some way to either tradition, there's no small truth in that. But Islam's concern has often been preaching to ...
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Ibn Warraq: The Judeo-Christian Origins of Islam (Part 3)
FrontPage Magazine
by Ibn Warraq And in the Book do thou.mention Mary, when she retired from her family to an Eastern place. Then apart from them she assumed a veil. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit; accordingly he showed himself to her as a well-formed human being. ...
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The rise and fall of Iran's Ahmadinejad
Washington Post
They spoke of their direct connection to the hidden imam — Shiite Islam's Messiah equivalent — in an attempt to render the clergy obsolete. In "private" meetings — which were bugged by intelligence forces loyal to Khamenei — Ahmadinejad's closest ...
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New Book: Islam Will Ignite Apocalypse
But rather than focus on Hollywood conjecture, a new book is attributing the end to Islamic religion. In The End The Book, author JL Robb brings readers a fictional take on how the world might end based on years of archaeological research and biblical ...
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Police Open Fire at Islamic Boarding School Siege, Three Wounded
Jakarta Globe
Rip out these radical militant training schools funded by Saudi Aramco to push the radical Wahabi sect of Islam. Send in the troops and clean out this rats nest. "He said police would try their best to achieve a negotiated settlement and to avoid major ...
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Free circumcision makes good politics in Turkey
"Circumcision is an important tradition in Islam," Mayor Ibrahim Kavuncu told Reuters with pride as he watched the boys and their families assemble in a square fronting Eyup Sultan Mosque to perform religious rites. Draped in blue cloaks over cream ...
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Website helps track terror movements worldwide
Philippine Star
The site's creators, however, believe that radical Islamic movements are the biggest threat to this generation. "We believe the threat of radical Islam is the defining threat of this generation, at least in ideological terms," said Ilan Berman, ...
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'Ex-terrorist' rakes in homeland security bucks
CNN (blog)
Rapid City, South Dakota (CNN) - Walid Shoebat had a blunt message for the roughly 300 South Dakota police officers and sheriff's deputies who gathered to hear him warn about the dangers of Islamic radicalism. Terrorism and Islam are inseparable, ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
24 Comments on "[UPDATES] BREAKING NEWS! ANOTHER MUSLIM TERRORIST ATTACK IN MUMBAI, INDIA". GrouchyFogie says: July 13, 2011 at 1:54 PM ...

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