Friday, July 22, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Islam-baiting doesn't work
During the 2010 midterm election campaign, virtually every hard-charging candidate on the far right took a moment to trash a Muslim, a mosque, or Islamic pieties. In the wake of those elections, with 85 new Republican members of the House of ...
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Islamic healers treat wounds in Russia's Chechnya
Islamic healer Timur Chamaev places his hands on a patient and recites from the Koran during treatment in the Islamic Medical Centre in the Chechen capital Grozny July 20, 2011. By Thomas Grove GROZNY, Russia (Reuters) - Lying on a couch with her eyes ...
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Business ethics in Islam
Islam has given guiding principles for all human activities and also prescribes and explains the ethics of business. However, the Quran is not the only divine text that lays down such instructions and Muslim thinkers were not the first to conceive this ...
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Nigeria: Islamic NGO Propagates Peace At Its Peak
A non governmental organization, Islamic Ogranisation for World Peace against Terrorism (IFWOPAT) reiterates the Islamic definition of peace and harmony and disabuse of other religions. Speaking at a press conference in Yola recently, ...
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Nigeria: 'Islamic Banking Not About Building Mosques, Churches'
Bauchi State governor, Malam Isa Yuguda, a seasoned banker who rose to become managing director of the then Inland Bank, recently spoke to some journalists in Abuja on important national issues including the Islamic Banking system, saying it is about ...
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The Real Muslims of Dearborn: TLC Announces Islam Reality Show
TIME (blog)
... tight-knit sisters, but while Suehaila wears the traditional head scarf, is active in the Muslim community and prays five times a day, Shadia is outspoken, has piercings and tattoos and recently married an Irish Catholic who is converting to Islam. ...
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Islam Convert After Revenge For US Acts
Fort Smith Times Record
LITTLE ROCK — A Memphis-born convert to Islam became delusional after watching a video of alleged US atrocities against Muslims in the Middle East and drove through three states seeking revenge before shooting one soldier dead and wounding another ...
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Boko Haram Splits?
Council on Foreign Relations (blog)
As indicated by the leaflet, YIM's goals appear limited: free exercise and propagation of Islam, compensation for destroyed mosques and other property, and punishment of those who murdered Yusuf and others. The leaflet denounced the former governor of ...
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Happy Birthday, Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
I'm very pleased to wish Mr. Yusuf Islam (better known to music fans worldwide as Cat Stevens) a very happy 63rd birthday. One of the most beloved singer/songwriters of the 1970s, Stevens's music could always be counted on for its lush melodies and ...
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Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"
Hudson New York
by Soeren Kern A Muslim group in the United Kingdom has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls "Londonistan" – into independent Islamic states. The so-called Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
ICC President Introduces First Book on Islam « Persecution News
By persecution
In our latest blog entry, our president, Jeff King, describes his motivation and journey to write his first book: Islam Uncensored. The book (arriving in August) is a collection of interviews with Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, ...

Web2 new results for Islam news
2nd Muslim charged in whipping attack in Australia - Yahoo! News
Read '2nd Muslim charged in whipping attack in Australia' on Yahoo! News. A second Muslim man has been charged in connection with an attack on a recent ...
Muslim-Christian News Picks for July 2-July 8 | Is the Quran the ...
Every week I come across hundreds of news items about Christianity and Islam. Here is what I found most interesting/significant for the week of July 9-July ...

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