Sunday, July 24, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Oslo Suspect Wrote of Fear of Islam and Plan for War
New York Times
By STEVEN ERLANGER and SCOTT SHANE OSLO — The Norwegian man charged Saturday with a pair of attacks in Oslo that killed at least 92 people left behind a detailed manifesto outlining his preparations and calling for a Christian war to defend Europe ...
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To negotiate or not with Boko Haram
He noted that the Boko Haram adherents are "using Islam as an ideology to carry out this terrorist act, and as such no state government or federal government should talk about amnesty to such an organisation." "You cannot kill people who are harmless ...
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Belgian Law Banning Islamic Veils Comes Into Effect
International Business Times
A law banning the public wearing of Islamic burqas and veils has come into force in Belgium. After France, Belgium is the second European state to enforce such a prohibition. Under the Belgian law, rule-breakers face a fine of 137.50 euros (about $200) ...
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International Business Times
Muslims feel sting of initial blame
Los Angeles Times
The trainers, the statement read, will "build a faulty foundation of information based on marginalizing Islam rather than addressing the goals and tools to further enhancing counter-terrorism measures." 1. IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, LIBYA, IRAN, ...
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Los Angeles Times
Educate youth about Islamic principles, King tells scholars
Saudi Gazette
By M. Nasir JawedSaudi Gazette MAKKAH – King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has urged Islamic scholars to come up with an effective program to educate the young generation about true Islamic principles to enable them to avoid fanaticism ...
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Secular Tajikistan struggles to quell Islamic revival
The Seattle Times
Islam is blossoming in Tajikistan. And the authoritarian government of this impoverished former Soviet republic could not be more worried. Spooked by the specter of Islamic radicalism and the challenges posed by increasingly influential religious ...
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Christian women in Egypt being converted to Islam by force, witness says
Catholic News Agency
Jean Maher, president of the France-based Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, said that nearly 800 Coptic Christian women have been kidnapped, raped and forced to convert to Islam since 2009. That number has only increased since the ...
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Catholic News Agency
Malcolm X as a social radical constantly evolving | Philadelphia Inquirer ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
As a member of the Nation of Islam, and its most public spokesman, he preached to blacks a message of reinvention through the strictures of the Nation. He lectured on the teachings of Elijah Muhammad that black Americans were the original people of the ...
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Bin Laden's lifework can be used to kill al Qaeda
Washington Examiner
Al Qaeda at first afforded noncombatants immunity; today, not only are noncombatants (including Muslims) targeted, but bin Laden's narrative -- that the West is at war with Islam -- has been flipped on its head. Al Qaeda is at war with Muslims and the ...
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Blogs4 new results for Islam news
Fox News pairs Norway attacks with NYC Islamic center | Raw Replay
By Eric W. Dolan
Friday night on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, guest host Laura Ingraham said the terror attacks in Norway that killed of at least 92 people appeared "to be the work, once again, of Muslim extremists." "In the meantime, in New York City ...
Raw Replay
Media Reacts to News That Norwegian Terror Suspect Isn't Muslim ...
Why were so many so quick to report Al Qaeda Involvement?
Latest Posts | The Atlantic Wire
Police: Oslo Suspect a Christian with Anti-Islam Views - World ...
Police say the suspect is not a radical Muslim. Instead, they've described 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik as a 'fundamentalist Christian' with conservative views. - CBN News
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Islam and ...
By As'ad AbuKhalil
Even after newspapers here had printed the name of this right wing anti-Islam nut with references to his writings on the net about the dangers of multi-culturalism, CNN was still giving air time to their Islamic terror "expert". ...
The Angry Arab News Service/وكال...

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