Monday, July 4, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Ontario Liberals give themselves an A on education
Toronto Sun
By Antonella Artuso ,Queen's Park Bureau Chief Ontario Liberals increased per student funding in elementary and secondary education by more than 55% since taking office, ministry officials say. In a Monday show-and-tell for reporters, ...
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Liberals holding off platform release till September
Toronto Star
The roadmap to a potential Liberal "three-peat" is expected to be unveiled in September. While the Progressive Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have revealed their election platforms, Premier Dalton McGuinty's party is holding off the release of ...
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NDP Liberals call on government to end gas tax
HALIFAX — The Nova Scotia government is enjoying an unfair tax windfall as the price of gasoline continues to rise, the Opposition Liberals charged Monday. Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil said in a statement that provincial data shows the government ...
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Terence Blacker: 'Liberals' at their most cowardly
The Independent
They are good liberal folk, merely concerned to avoid offending anyone's sensitivities. As Hall has pointed out, the effect is the same. For all their hand-wringing, the school, the local council and the government-funded arts body have together ...
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Liberals point Harris's role in green ebergy projects
Ottawa Citizen
By Lee greenberg July 4, 2011 TORONTO – Ontario's green energy policy appears to have an unlikely fan, according to the provincial Liberals, who say former Conservative premier Mike Harris is breaking ranks with the party leader over the issue. ...
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newParties get last allowance based on 2008 vote
The Liberals, who got $1851789 in this round of quarterly allowances, dropped from about 3.6 million votes in 2008 to about 2.8 million in 2011. That means a difference of as much as $1.7 million a year until the current allowance drops as part of the ...
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The day Bob Brown wanted to join Robert Menzies' Liberals
Herald Sun
Source: HWT Image Library WHEN he was 21, Bob Brown was so impressed by Sir Robert Menzies that he thought about joining the Liberal Party. But in what may have been his sliding doors moment, when he got there "the door was shut and that was that". ...
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Factions, friction and direct election: a Liberal manifesto
ABC Online
If the Liberal rank and file do not take back ownership of their broad-based organisation party soon, then it may not survive in its current form. It would be a huge loss if the Liberals ended up as a right-wing version of GetUp! ...
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ABC Online
Liberal bias on TV has history
Atlanta Journal Constitution
You're handing the weapons to the liberals. They can say, 'Well, you're not boycotting this show. It must be okay.'" Conservatives do exist in Hollywood. Some even thrive. But they are often in the shadows, Shapiro said. As a result, liberals, he said, ...
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Letter: GOP cleaning up liberal messes
Greenville Daily Reflector
The primary reason they were elected was to rein in all the outlandish liberal spending that was gutting this country. Sobel's letter goes to a list of things to which the GOP was cutting funding. First is public TV and radio. ...
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Blogs3 new results for Liberals
Why Do Liberals Hate The 4th Of July?
By Lee Edwards
Why do the liberals rage so about July 4th? They mock it as sophomoric, anachronistic, xenophobic. The holiday touches some primitive emotion within them and they explode. Forty years ago, the most radical of them used tear gas in an ...
Big Peace
July Fourth: An Open Letter to Liberals | RedState
By dodgertalon (Profile)
Why is it that anyone who brings up their pride in America nowadays has to make apologies for it? You can't go a day without acknowledging slavery or the.
Liberty Counsel Wants You To Pray For Me And Other Liberals « Alan ...
By Alan
Please pray daily for the liberal(s) of your choice, so each can become a good influence on our Nation's culture. Prayer is powerful! It allows God to change the minds of those for whom we are praying. In fact, we fully expect that many ...
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

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