Monday, July 11, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Liberal MPP breaks ranks over C. difficile outbreak
Toronto Star
Liberal MPP Kim Craitor was so frustrated with the local Niagara Health System that he says he "went ballistic" on aides to Health Minister Deb Matthews. A maverick Liberal MPP has read the Riot Act to his own government in the wake of the C. difficile ...
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Harper declares Liberal Party passé in Canadian politics
AHN | All Headline News
Harper insisted the long Liberal era is over. He explained the shift in political views to Conservative values being Canadian values and vice versa. On Sunday, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper compared the former official opposition party – the ...
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Liberals go on attack with new ad
Toronto Star
The Liberals are using the power of the press to pan Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak. In the governing party's first TV attack ad, obtained late Monday by the Star, Hudak's newspaper clippings are being thrown in his face — literally. ...
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This thing is not going to go away and the Liberals better not hide
Bay Today
Mitchell still holds out a glimmer of hope that the silence means the Premier and his Liberal colleagues are feverishly working behind the scenes to fix the issue. He says he has heard from Nipissing MPP Monique Smith on Friday where she assured him ...
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Bay Today
Rae starts tour on safe Liberal ground
Beginning of Story Content Bob Rae, interim leader of the federal Liberal party, started a cross-Canada tour Monday in one of the party's few remaining strongholds: Prince Edward Island. Bob Rae said the Liberal message worked on PEI, but not so well ...
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Some liberals, Democrats stunned by passage of voter ID
Providence Journal
How could this happen in one of the country's most Democratic and liberal states? Why did Democratic leaders and black legislators support it? And why did Governor Chafee sign it? Some say black politicians were trying to protect themselves from ...
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Providence Journal
Killing HST is not the best way to punish Liberals
Vancouver Sun
Second, the BC Liberals have already reaped a huge windfall with the seven per cent that used to be the PST, with fairly limited scope, increased to seven per cent on everything that the GST/HST covers. Planning to reduce the HST to 10 per cent ...
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BC Liberals' carbon tax a smoking wreck
24 Hours Vancouver
BC Ministry of Finance website If the intent of the BC Liberal government's three-year old carbon tax is to reduce gasoline consumption and pollution, it's been a smoking wreck on the highway. The carbon tax puts an additional tax of 5.56 cents per ...
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Gallup Shocker! Liberals, Dems More Likely Than To Reject Divine Origin Of Bible…
Weasel Zippers
( — Liberals and Democrats are more likely than conservatives, moderates, Republicans and independents to believe the Bible is nothing more than a book of fables and legends made up by man, according to a new Gallup poll. ...
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Weasel Zippers

Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Rubin Reports » Why Liberals and Democrats Should Oppose Obama's ...
By Barry Rubin
Why is it that while liberals/Democrats constantly claim the Republican Party has been taken over by its far right wing, many conservatives/Republicans constantly claim that Obama is a typical liberal/Democrat? Why don't more critics of ...
Rubin Reports

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