Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Liberals sound alarm on native water quality
Globe and Mail
A government study that found nearly 40 per cent of water systems on native reserves pose high levels of risk is proof Ottawa needs to act quickly fund improvements, the Liberals say. The results of the National Assessment of First Nations Water and ...
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Globe and Mail
Dalton McGuinty's Liberals smear out of fear
Toronto Sun
By Christina Blizzard ,QMI Agency The hypocrisy of the Liberals' attempt to turn abortion into a campaign issue is shameful — but understandable. In the wake of the disastrous HST, their eco-fee mess, their horrendous eHealth boondoggle, the Liberals ...
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Liberals move us forward
Columbia Daily Tribune
BY HERB PANKO During the past couple of years, we have been bombarded by political attacks from the far right and their fellow teapublicans blaming our country's ills on liberalism, socialism, big government and taxation. These are stale, unsupportable ...
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Alberta Liberals aim to rebuild party's fortunes
Calgary Herald
By Bryce Forbes, Calgary Herald July 19, 2011 6:00 AM Liberal MLA David Swann talks to his constituents at his Stampede pancake breakfast in Calgary on July 16, 2011. CALGARY - At the Liberal leadership debate Monday night, one thing all of the ...
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Tariq Alhomayed: Egypt's liberals as delusional as Iraq's Sunnis!
By TARIQ ALHOMAYED Today the liberals of Egypt are devoting themselves to conflict after the fall of the Mubarak regime, in the same way that the Sunnis of Iraq devoted themselves to delusion after the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime. ...
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Harper and the triumph of liberalism
London Free Press
Harper's new Conservative party is in fact a triumph of Canadian liberalism. The evolution of Canadian conservatism in the past two decades proves Canada is a country of the pragmatic centre -- and one that remains so, no matter who temporarily warms ...
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Liberal aide Daniel Bevan admits anti-Coalition tweets
The Australian
AN influential Liberal Party adviser quit last night after admitting sending vulgar anti-Coalition messages that undermined federal and state MPs. Daniel Bevan quit the office of Victorian senator Scott Ryan after The Australian uncovered evidence of ...
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Liberal group raises money for Warren Senate run
The Hill (blog)
By Daniel Strauss - 07/19/11 03:28 PM ET A liberal group announced Tuesday that it has raised $30000 in 24 hours to support a Senate run by Elizabeth Warren. Warren, a liberal Democrat and the architect of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, ...
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Liberals for Hedge-Fund Manager Rights
Tapped (blog)
So you could argue that he demonstrates the way the scale in the Democratic Party is tipped toward social liberalism and away from economic liberalism. It isn't just the presence of across-the-board conservatives like Ben Nelson in the party that forms ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Why Liberals are Lame, Part 3: Why a Warren Run for Senate is a ...
By Yves Smith
Why Liberals are Lame, Part 3: Why a Warren Run for Senate is a Terrible Idea. It's bad enough that what passes for the left has been kneecapped by the Obama Administration. The ambiguous campaign promise "Change you can believe in" has ...
naked capitalism
CNBC Joe Kernen | LIberals Want to Prosecute Fox News | Video ...
By Colby Hall
On this morning's edition of CNBC's Squawk Box, discussion turned to the News of the World phone hacking scandal that has embroiled News Corp. when host Joe.
The New Gay » TV: Smug liberals are boring and dangerous
By Topher Burns
God I get so bored with liberal smugness. It's like having a man who you know is impotent try and talk dirty to you. Just lay off, we both know nothing's going to come of this! Last week the airwaves were abuzz about Michelle Bachmann. ...
The New Gay
The PJ Tatler » Liberals Single out DoD for Budget Cuts
By Bryan Preston
But that's not how the liberals who form the opinions that inform the left see it. The Soros-funded Center for American Progress is eying defense before touching other parts of the budget, to the tune of $1 trillion. ...
The PJ Tatler
JammieWearingFool: Racist Liberals Blast Obama's 'Stupid Social ...
By JammieWearingFool
He and other liberal lawmakers fear the extended tax holiday might make a permanent cut more likely, thus slashing Social Security's primary funding stream and threatening future benefits. "It's a unique tax break. ...

Web1 new result for Liberals
Liberals see opportunity for big cuts in defense - Washington Times
The political left is pressing the White House and Congress to inflict a wave of Pentagon budget cuts not seen since the post-Cold War 1990s.

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