Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Progressives Split over AT&T/T-Mobile Merger: While Fighting Monopolies, Don't ...
Progressive groups find themselves on opposite sides over the merger of two telecom giants; do they support it and the possible spread of unions, or fight corporate consolidation? Sign up to stay up to date on the latest News & Politics headlines via ...
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Blaska's Blog searches for patriotic progressives and finds one!
Isthmus Daily Page
Barack Obama's boast to the 2004 Democratic National Convention that liberals pray to a powerful God was a breakthrough. The pronouncement was seen as a corrective to the "narrative" that Liberals bring ACLU lawsuits against invocation speakers when ...
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Today's GEICO Auto Insurance Premium Costs - Average State Costs To Coverage ...
US Life Daily
Getting many online auto insurance rate quotes and comparing them together from companies like GEICO, State Farm, Allstate or Progressives is the best way for Americans to find more affordable health insurance coverage. There are many auto insurance ...
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Wingnut Watch: Paul Broun Says Progressives Trying to 'Destroy America' (blog)
But there are folks that want to destroy us from inside, the progressives and the socialists, who want to make this nation a nation that's no longer under you, under God, but a nation that's ruled by man." More at our Wingnut Watch gallery.
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Clinton Defends Obama at Liberal Meeting
ABC News (blog)
Former President Bill Clinton defended President Obama's economic record at a meeting in Washington of progressives and sought to dispel what he said were myths that caused Democrats to take such a "shellacking," as President Obama called it, ...
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The Conscience of a Liberal
The League of Ordinary Gentlemen
To be fair, liberalism is more closely associated with the New Deal legacy than the Progressive legacy. The Progressives' campaign against individual rights—advocating forced sterilization and eugenics, among other things—ultimately led even FDR to ...
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Kentuckians "Rebuilding the American Dream"
by Keith Rouda There is a major new progressive movement afoot... but whether Kentucky's progressives speak up to help shape it remains to be seen. Rebuild the Dream is a new movement born of the realization in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and elsewhere ...
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Fiscal Policy for the People? Why Obama Should Invoke the 14th Amendment
Huffington Post (blog)
Progressives need to stop accepting the false logic that we "need to be responsible" and "deal with the budget deficit at some point in the future" on the spurious grounds of "affordability", solvency", or "because the bond markets won't fund us any ...
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Republicans Slam the Breaks on Transportation Investment
Tapped (blog)
By Patrick Caldwell | Posted 07/06/2011 at 02:00 PM Over on the homepage, Jason Mark has an article on how the transportation bill reauthorization could finally be an opportunity for progressives in Congress to begin tackling climate change. ...
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Blogs3 new results for Progressives
It's Not Unfair For Progressives To Criticize Obama | Alas, a Blog
By Ampersand
It's ridiculous to imply that all progressive critiques of Obama are unfair. Especially on issues like war, transparency, going after whistleblowers, wiretaps, deportations, medical marijuana, whitewashing torture — issues where Obama ...
Alas, a Blog
Anti-Immigrant Stalwarts Speak on Progressives For Immigration ...
By Stephen Piggott
Late last week Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR), an anti-immigrant group with ties to white nationalism, held its first quarterly conference.
Netroots, America, and Progressivism | Savage Minds
By Adam Fish
Honestly, I did not know what a "progressive" really was until working the videocamera for Free Speech TV at the 2011 Netroots Nation conference in Minneapolis lat month. I thought a progressive was just another name for a Democrat or a ...
Savage Minds

Web1 new result for Progressives
In Independence Day Prayer, Rep. Broun Compares Progressives To ...
But there are folks that want to destroy us from inside, the progressives and the socialists, who want to make this nation a nation that's no longer under ...

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