Sunday, July 10, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News8 new results for Progressives
Progressives Don't Have a Double Standard—But Partisan Democratic Talking ...
History News Network
By Michael Lind Do progressives have a double standard, defending or downplaying actions by the Obama administration, like waging war without authorization by Congress or prosecuting accused terrorists in military tribunals, that they would denounce if ...
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Dennis Kucinich looking for a political home
He was among his core supporters -- Northwest progressives -- and if we don't help him, nobody will . I shouted out "What should we do about Obama and his sellouts?" Kucinich smiled and shot back, "Next question." (I'm sure he doesn't want to go on ...
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Progressive Unemployment
American Thinker
He has given us all a clear picture of the devastating effect progressive policies have on employment. As the week drew to a close, the President and his advisers surely were gasping at the figures. It is what my friend Rick Ballard calls Wreckovery ...
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Ombion: Dangerous times for progressives
The case against Iver was apparently the same case used against another progressive leader Romulo Bitoon and development worker Rogina Quilop. When their first warrant of arrest was out, they were still John Does. At the time of their arrests, ...
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Address the Jobs Crisis First
Huffington Post
Though Republicans are practically inviting Obama to define a new progressive center, he just won't deliver. There are two ways progressives can prevent this economic calamity from turning into a deeper political catastrophe -- an inside game and an ...
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On the sweet insidiousness of dialogue
Claudio was referring to the "veneer of openness" to dialogue which "Church progressives"—I gather I am one—cast upon an "uncompromising institution," the Roman Catholic Church. If, he argues, I am "unwilling to question even one aspect" of the ...
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Faiz: the ideology and the poetry
His poetry transcended those bounds, gaining a wider appeal for his verses, which is why we see many non-progressives exuberant about his work. From the many books and journals devoted to the study of Faiz published in recent months, I have picked out ...
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Soccer complex developer heading elsewhere as fight over vacant land continues
San Jose Mercury News
Proponents of the development say the city has once again sided with progressives to kill a job-creating proposal. "Richmond is closed for business," said 23rd Street Merchant's Association President Rafael Madrigal. Garcia speculated that the city ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
Activist Post: Progressives Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steven ...
By Activist
Sunday, July 10, 2011. Progressives Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, and Howard Stern Support Ron Paul (Video) · Youtube. RELATED ACTIVIST POST ARTICLE: 5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution ...
Activist Post
Are Progressives Smarter than Fifth Graders? | RedState
By lukematthews (Profile)
And, the answer is not even close. In a commentary published on Sunday, July 3, 2011, progressive leader of the Growth & Justice and former Star.
lukematthews's Diary

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