Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

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A Progressive Decade in the Balance
Huffington Post
A dozen years ago, there seemed to be little hope for progressive politics here in San Francisco. It was a frustrating political moment for a city that has written some of this country's most compelling progressive history. Many San Francisco activists ...
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Progressives Won't Support Obama in 2012 If Entitlements Cut
The New American
Now, one of the top "progressive" organizations in the nation, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, has issued a warning to the White House: If entitlements are cut, President Obama may not have their support in 2012. According to CNN, nearly 200 ...
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Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer shows progressive streak
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com (blog)
These progressives advocated deference to the government for the same reasons Breyer articulates: reverence for experts, belief in majority rule, and the need to protect society from itself. As a result, progressive judges approved segregation laws, ...
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How to parse DC Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown's messy committee shuffle today?
Washington Post (blog)
Told this morning that Wells and his "livable, walkable" philosophy have a devoted following among young progressives, Cheh said, "That's a slogan. ... Where's the record?... I've passed major legislation. I'll say 'livable, walkable. ...
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What Both Progressives and Conservatives Missed
Wall Street Pit
By Scott Sumner Jul 12, 2011, 9:23 AM Author's Website Progressives and conservatives disagree as to what caused the crash of 2008. Progressives tend to blame the instability of unregulated capitalism, prone to bubbles and crashes. ...
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Obama's Debt-Ceiling Message Touches On 2012 Election, Angers Some ...
Progress Illinois
The group is calling on Obama to oppose cuts to Medicaid and Social Security as the solution to the debt crisis, even going so far as to start a pledge petition directed towards the President warning him that all of the progressives who sign on will ...
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Progress Illinois
Mack on the History News Network: Progressives are disenchanted with Obama ...
Harvard Law School News
In his July 10 op-ed for George Mason University's History News Network, Harvard Law School Professor Kenneth W. Mack '91 assesses the presidency of Barack Obama '91, comparing it to that of Abraham Lincoln in terms of each president's respective ...
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Harvard Law School News
Obama Couldn't Back a Big Liberal Deficit Plan
The Atlantic
Progressives want a deficit reduction plan that is about 50% higher taxes and 50% lower spending. That means $1 trillion in tax hikes on the rich and $1 trillion in spending cuts. Deficit hawks, on the other hand, want a plan that cuts about $4 ...
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The Atlantic
Governorship poll: Kano tribunal strikes out ADC, PPA, others' petitions
The Nation Newspaper
The tribunal also dismissed the petition by the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), following an indication by the party's counsel that the party did not wish to continue with it. The tribunal's ruling followed a motion filed by Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, ...
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