Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressive movement bankrupts societies
Milpitas Post
Rob Means should be commended for his community organization skills and blind dedication to progressive ideology. Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama would be proud. The socialist/progressive/liberal website he suggested is a ...
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Donald Conkey: 'Progressive elitists' attacking America's Tree of Liberty
Cherokee Tribune
But today, America's Tree of Liberty is under serious attack, not from without, but within, by those who consider themselves progressive elitists, those who literally believe America's foundational documents are passé and that they, the elitists, ...
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Leverage II, A Progressive Opportunity
The House Progressive Caucus and Liberal Democrats rarely get the opportunity to dictate public policy and legislation but they have a opportunity now. They have all the Leverage in the Debt Ceiling increase debate. The Tea Party Wing has locked ...
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Progressives Push to Stop Implementation of Voter ID Law
Free Times
... a reporter from the Charleston Post & Courier and another from the South Carolina Radio Network, among others, swarmed around a podium in the lobby of the State House July 8, as South Carolina Progressive Network director Brett Bursey warned voters ...
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brainwashed by progressive lies
Carroll County Times
Well, it seems that I have been brainwashed by progressives that keep repeating the same lame lies. Conservatives believe that it is wrong for union bosses to extract money from their members to fund a progressive movement that ultimately harms the ...
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Greening the Dollar
Huffington Post
There's a lot of ill-informed political inertia out there, and today progressives are no closer to the real truth about money than anyone. Unfortunately. But today, progressives are historically indebted to the Congressman for his effort to ...
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Label doesn't fit
Ventura County Star
Robinson always slides such snide remarks about "non-Progressives" into his column, then abruptly switches to his argument. In this same column he infers that nobody but progressives care about "health care, education and other priorities. ...
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Letter: 'Advancements' or loss of liberty?
The Columbian
Elizabeth Campbell's refutation, July 5 letter, "Advancements due to progressives," of Carolyn Crain's June 26 letter, "Disappointed with representation," equating the Progressive movement to the Communist Party, demonstrates a selective understanding ...
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The writer of the letter "Perdue's veto of 'extreme' abortion bill is itself ...
Asheville Citizen-Times
Do progressives care about reducing the national debt? Of course they do, no matter what the White...- 10:22 am The Biltmore Square Mall is getting a new tenant, and the financially troubled Health Adventure is getting a new lease on life. ...
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Third Way Is No Way for Social Security
Huffington Post
... ( In a recent Politico column, Jon Cowan and Jim Kessler, respectively the president and senior vice-president of The Third Way, criticize "progressives" for opposing deals that cut Social Security benefits. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
New Economic Perspectives: Pinch-Hitting for Peterson. Part 2: How ...
By Economic Perspectives from Kansas City
In Part 1 I argued that Beltway progressives aided and abetted deficit hawk Pete Peterson in his efforts to gut the last remaining vestiges of Roosevelt's New Deal. By adopting Peterson's views on government finances, they were unable ...
New Economic Perspectives

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