Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
In U.S. politics, the independents have it
Kansas City Star
It's becoming more and more clear to tea party activists and their analogues on issues from education reform to drug legalization that success in politics is directly proportional to independence from the two major political parties. ...
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A Third Party Wouldn't Save Us From Political Gridlock
The Atlantic
By Wendy Kaminer The problem is not our parties, but us. A Congress split in three would only promote more deadlock. Among the many lessons of the gratuitous debt crisis one seems obvious: divided government too easily devolves into dysfunctional ...
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The Global Implications of US Politics and Debt Negotiations
PRI's The World
By Jason Margolis ⋅ July 27, 2011 ⋅ Post a comment The US treasury won't be able to pay all its bills if a debt ceiling agreement isn't reached. The question then would be: Who gets paid first? "In principle and in practice we really have no history ...
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PRI's The World
US STOCKS-Wall Street slides on earnings, economy, politics
By Edward Krudy NEW YORK, July 27 (Reuters) - Wall Street fell on Wednesday as troubling signs from US corporations and falling demand for long-lasting manufactured goods discouraged investors already nervous about faltering debt talks in Washington. ...
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Ratings downgrade or debt default could send ripples across US economy
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The political stalemate in the nation's capital over the federal debt and budget deficits is increasing the chances of what seemed highly unlikely until very recently: That ratings agencies could downgrade the creditworthiness of the US government. ...
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U.S. Credit Rating Rests On S&P's London View of Washington
"For us, the issue is not the debt limit -- it's the underlying fiscal dynamics," said Beers, who has been rating governments for the company for 20 years. "It's not obvious to us that this political divide that is proving so difficult to bridge is ...
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The political farce in Washington has degenerated to the point where the ...
The Australian
FOR weeks the currency traders and fund managers have studiously looked the other way when it came to the absurd political show in the US. You know politics in Washington . . . ignore it. It is unthinkable that the world's largest economy would really ...
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Bernanke May Need to Stay Above Politics
"If you're the Fed chairman, you've got to be above politics," said Jon Kyl, the No. 2 Senate Republican. Staying above the debt-limit fray may give Bernanke and his colleagues a freer hand to inject monetary stimulus into a sputtering US economy, ...
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US debt crisis: Is Obama's leadership style suited to the moment?
Christian Science Monitor
In effect, Obama allowed House Republicans to refocus American politics onto deficit reduction, and allowed them to tie spending reduction to the debt ceiling without weighing in forcefully with an alternative vision. Last December, he didn't embrace ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Canada gets ringside seat for US circus
Edmonton Journal
Both parties must share the blame for getting themselves, and the rest of us, into this mess through political intransigence and years of overspending. But as the Aug. 2 deadline approaches, the Republicans seem to be the ones pushing too hard by ...
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Blogs3 new results for U.S. Politics
Freakonomics » Will U.S. Shale Gas Rebalance Global Politics?
By Stephen J. Dubner
The natural gas boom in the U.S. has weakened Russia's influence on European energy supplies and could keep Iran's influence in check for years to come, according to a new study from the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice ...
EA WorldView - Home - US Politics & Economy: Scott Lucas on the ...
By Scott Lucas
US Politics. Complementing James Miller's summary of the battle in Washington over the Federal Government's debt, with the prospect of a US default next week, I was in a discussion on BBC Radio 2 this lunchtime about the political and ...
EA WorldView
S&P does not think U.S. will default on its debt - Politics ...
S&P does not think U.S. will default on its debt - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Standard.
Politics & Government

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Commentary: In U.S. politics, the independents have it | McClatchy
Forget President Obama, House Speaker John A. Boehner and the less-interesting- than-their-name-suggests "Gang of Six." When the history of the Great Debt ...

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