Friday, July 29, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
United States Not Supporting Any Zimbabwean Political Party - Ambassador Ray
Voice of America
29 July 2011 United States Not Supporting Any Zimbabwean Political Party - Ambassador Ray Ambassador Charles Ray says the US does not favor any Zimbabwean political party but wants Zimbabwe to have a non-violent and credible electoral contest Irwin ...
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US debt crisis: Republican budget proposal passed in House of Representatives
America's largest foreign creditor, China, has repeatedly urged Washington to protect its dollar investments and its state-run news agency said the US had been "kidnapped" by "dangerously irresponsible" politics. Fears about the health of America's ...
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Now is not the time for a pacifist President
The Tea Party may technically be an umbrella term for a ragtag coalition of self-styled patriots, but in political terms it is a ball of raging, all-consuming fire that exists to obliterate whatever lies in its path. If that includes the US's AAA ...
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Analysis: No winners in Washington debt ceiling mess (blog)
By Toby Harnden US politics Last updated: July 29th, 2011 After virtually every event, including the deaths of leaders and terrorist atrocities, it takes mere minutes for political operatives to start calculating who among them might benefit and who ...
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Global Concern Over US Debt Ceiling Disagreement
New York Times
Officials in Europe were more diplomatic, but archly recalled that American leaders had admonished them just a few weeks ago to straighten out the messy politics of the Continent's own debt crisis. "One could now ask why is the US debt treated any ...
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New York Times
Rep. Jeff Landry helped win changes in House deficit-reduction plan
"Now that yet another political exercise is behind us, with time dwindling, leaders need to start working together immediately to reach a compromise that avoids default and lays the basis for balanced deficit reduction." The Boehner legislation was ...
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The Tragedy Of The US Debt Ceiling: A Drama In 5 Acts
The problem is that Democrats and Republicans need to realize that they are members on the same team and that they should be working for a common goal: stability of the US economic and political system. Democrats and Republicans have their ideological ...
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McCain: US will not go into default
Washington Post
Post Forum members consistently offer thought-provoking, timely comments on politics, national and international affairs. If your comments or those of another user measure up, please let Post editors know. World Watchers consistently offer ...
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U.S. probe sought into Bondi firings
Upon reviewing them, he said, he is concerned that Clarkson and Edwards may have been terminated for political reasons. Soto noted the two attorneys were investigating at least one company that contributed to the state Republican Party as well as the ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
EUROPE UPSET THAT US POLITICS NOT THE SAME AS IN 'DA OLD CONTINENT'…….. Posted on 29/07/2011 by KGS. Only the statist hates gridlock, they hate for the public to be involved in the process gumming up the works, by influencing their ...
cn|2 Pure Politics - Even with U.S. House debt ceiling drama, Ky ...
By Ryan Alessi
U.S. House Republican leaders' well-documented troubles in rounding up enough votes for a plan to raise the debt ceiling could turn up the pressure on Senate leaders, including Kentucky Sen....
cn|2 Politics

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
China slams U.S. politics, but can't remove itself from the ...
China owns nearly $1.2 trillion of U.S. debt. And with worries over a default or credit downgrade, why doesn't China stop investing in the U.S. economy?

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