Monday, August 15, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives threaten lawsuit against asbestos widow
National Post (blog)
Conservative Party leadership have threatened legal action against a Quebec asbestos widow turned anti-asbestos campaigner. On July 29, Michaela Keyserlingk received a cease-and-desist email from Conservative Party Executive Director Dan Hilton. ...
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Conservatives to restore 'royal' moniker to Canada's navy, air force
Globe and Mail
A month after Stephen Harper played host to Prince William and his new bride, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, the Conservative government will put the word "Royal" back into the country's land and sea forces. The navy will again be the Royal Canadian ...
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Globe and Mail
Ontario poll puts McGuinty ahead on trust, vision
With the Progressive Conservatives and the Liberals running closely in the polls, it isn't clear which parties would most benefit from new supporters. The respondents were asked how likely they were to "vote for a party provincially that you voted for ...
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<strong>Conservatives: Desperate Obama Launches 'Class Warfare' Campaign</strong>
By David A. Patten Libertarians and conservatives blasted President Barack Obama's populist attack on Congress and wealthy Americans Monday, calling it a blatant attempt at class warfare that is poorly grounded in sound economic theory. ...
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Majority, hobbled opposition portend smooth sailing for Harper
Vancouver Sun
In part, of course, that's because his Conservatives won the biggest share of Commons seats last May. But he has another advantage. Like former Liberal PM Jean Chretien, Harper will preside over a parliament in which his partisan opponents are severely ...
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Clement controlled G8 cash through riding office: NDP critic
Montreal Gazette
A report from the auditor general released one year after the summit criticized the Conservatives for misleading Parliament about the funding. The audit also blasted the shady selection process surrounding the approval of the 32 infrastructure projects ...
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Conservatives Begin to Fret About Rick Perry
National Journal
Rick Perry's record is circulating among conservatives in Iowa, Politico's Molly Ball reports. Just a couple days after Perry declared he's 2012 candidacy, he sat down for an interview with a Des Moines radio station, during which the host said he'd ...
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At RedState Gathering, Scott and Hasner tout conservative credentials
Florida Independent
Rick Scott and GOP Senate candidate Adam Hasner spoke this weekend at RedState Gathering 2011, an event for conservative politicians and organizations who are looking toward the 2012 elections. # Scott and Hasner both told the audience that ...
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E. coli: Welsh Tories urge mandatory food hygiene signs
BBC News
An E. coli outbreak has prompted Conservatives to call for restaurants and takeaways to be forced to display food hygiene ratings. The kebab house at the centre of the south east Wales outbreak was inspected by Cardiff council less than a month ago, ...
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BBC News

Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Conservative Films | The Undefeated | Why don't conservatives ...
By Christian Toto
Until they do, studios won't want to produce right-of-center content.
The Daily Caller
Iowa Conservatives Quickly Vetting Governor Rick Perry On His ...
By Ryan Crowe
Now that Texas Governor Rick Perry is running for president, voters in Iowa are starting to zero in on his record. The governor is not only being criticized by Democrats, but by some conservatives too.
CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
Conservatives pounce on Al Gore climate speech, but science backs ...
By Troy Hooper
Al Gore's impassioned speech against climate change deniers in Colorado induced a frenzy of conservative chest-pounding last week wherein Fox News and the usual suspects swore his sermon must be a symptom of dementia.
New Mexico Independent
UK Riots: Leftists Blame 'Society', Conservatives Blame ...
By Sun Tzu
Conservatives on the other hand tend to focus on individual motivations and the breakdown of morality. They often use words such as "law," "property" and "respect" in their analysis. (Conservatives used the word respect three times more ...
Big Peace
First Read - VIDEO: Bachmann, Perry vie for conservatives
By First Read
NBC campaign reporters Jamie Novogrod and Carrie Dann report from the road with Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, their strengths and challenges as this presidential campaign heats up.
First Read

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