Friday, August 19, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
GOP looking for fiscal and social conservative leader
Washington Post (blog)
Land answers, "What do the religious controversies surrounding the leading Republican candidates tell us about the state of the social conservative movement? What do social conservatives want in 2012?" Read David French on How abortion frames ...
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Is Ryan what the GOP needs?
Washington Post (blog)
But the strongest argument for Ryan is that the country is in a mess and he's one of the few conservatives who have the expertise and knowledge to address our major challenges. Yuval Levin and Peter Wehner have a must-read column in the Wall Street ...
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Tory minister opposes 'mansion tax'
The Press Association
Instead, Mr Pickles indicated he sympathised with those Conservatives calling for the 50p top rate of tax to be scrapped in order to stimulate the economy amid growing fears of a double-dip recession. "We always said it was temporary," he said of the ...
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Mayors at meeting on G8 spending donated to Clement campaign
Vancouver Sun
That second source of funding was the G8 Legacy Infrastructure Fund, a $50-million envelope that was the subject of an auditor general's examination published this summer, which was critical of Clement and the Conservatives for misleading Parliament. ...
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In bed with conservatives on gay marriage but are we buying it?
Sydney Morning Herald
On Tuesday in Canberra, a protest by the National Marriage Coalition heard from an American conservative commentator who warned that gay marriage was the thin edge of a wedge leading to the legitimisation of polygamy and paedophilia, from federal ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Charles Krauthammer reveals the fraudulence of conservative outrage
Washington Post (blog)
But it is a demonstrable fact that Republicans and conservatives have made the suggestion of dark and nefarious motives far more central to their case against Obama than he ever has against them. Until leading figures stop regularly trafficking in ...
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Christine O'Donnell's Problem is the Conservatives' Dilemma
Daily Caller
By John Guardiano What conservative doesn't sympathize with Christine O'Donnell for walking off the set of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight? Morgan, after all, had O'Donnell on his show ostensibly because of her new book, Troublemaker: Let's Do What It Takes ...
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Conservative Presbyterian summit nears
Louisville Courier-Journal (blog)
Organized by a new coalition called the Fellowship of Presbyterians, it will be the first major gathering of conservatives since the denomination ratified a constitutional amendment in May that allows the ordination of gays and lesbians who are in ...
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Conservatives denounce new deportation policy as 'backdoor amnesty'
The American Independent
By Nicolas Mendoza | 08.19.11 | 5:44 pm Republicans and immigration enforcement hawks are denouncing the Obama administration's newly announced policy of selective deportation. The policy would have the government evaluate each person currently in ...
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Blogs1 new result for Conservatives
The Glaring Differences Between Palin & Perry | Conservatives4Palin
By Stacy Drake
"I would not propose govt mandating anything like shots for our kids."

Web1 new result for Conservatives
World of Class Warfare - Warren Buffett vs. Wealthy Conservatives ...
If there's one thing the rich have learned, it's that class warfare is hell. Airdate - 08/18/11.

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