Monday, August 29, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Obama routinely bypasses Congress, conservatives say
Daily Caller
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Obama administration officials are increasingly using regulation and litigation to bypass Congress, say free market advocates and social conservatives. "It is outrageous," said Dan Kish, vice president at the Washington, ...
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Another disaster: Conservatives' attack on FEMA
CNN International
Of course, many conservatives want to get rid of life preservers altogether. This weekend, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul made waves by saying FEMA should be destroyed. In its policy manifesto for members of Congress, the libertarian Cato ...
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Part of Manitoba Conservatives' political platform leaked
Manitoba's Conservatives are trying to lure voters with what appears to be a more steady fiscal approach. Part of the party's platform was leaked Monday. That document says a Tory government would keep Manitobans in a deficit position until 2018. ...
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Election Notebook: Countdown Ontario
CP24, Canada
All four parties, the Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democrats and the Green Party, have been releasing policies and seeking coverage for weeks now. There have also been the inevitable polls – most showing the race tightening. ...
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Huntsman endorsed by S.C. attorney general Wilson
USA Today
South Carolina holds one of the early presidential primaries and is a testing ground for GOP candidates in their appeal to social and fiscal conservatives, as well as those who support a strong national defense. Huntsman has lagged in the single digits ...
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USA Today
Hey Conservatives! Stop Trying to Appropriate Martin Luther King
New Republic
Leading conservatives seem to adore Martin Luther King. Jr. As president, George W. Bush called him a "second founder … who trusted fellow Americans to join [him] in doing the right thing." In 2008, Michele Bachmann wrote, "though his life was ...
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6 Reasons For Conservatives to Support Rick Perry in 2012
Town Hall
The long knives always come out for anyone who excites conservatives and could be the next President. That's not to say that Perry doesn't have flaws. He does. Like any politician who's actually governed, he's had his share of mistakes, miscues, ...
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Town Hall
Presbyterian Church Faces Split Over Anti-Gay Conservative Movement
The New Civil Rights Movement
Theologically, the Mexican Presbyterian Churches are considered more conservative than those within the US When a vote came on whether the NPCM would remain with the US and allow the ordination of gay clergy in same-​sex relationships, ...
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The New Civil Rights Movement

Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives Worry About Perry Campaign, Presidency, Christian ...
As Texas Governor Rick Perry's path to the nomination begins to look more likely, some conservatives have started to wonder if he can beat Obama, and if he does, whether he will be a good president. Criticisms point to his temperament, ... > Politics
Why conservatives shouldn't 'just focus on beating Obama' | The ...
By Matt Lewis
Why conservatives shouldn't 'just focus on beating Obama'
The Daily Caller
The PJ Tatler » Was Bachmann Joking? It Doesn't Matter ...
By Robert Wargas
There needs to be room in the conservative movement for saying things like, "Please don't invoke the name of God in every speech." This is not the same as uttering a favorite liberal sneer like "evangelical." Nor should it be grounds for, excuse ...
The PJ Tatler

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