Sunday, August 7, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Hillary Told You So
Daily Beast
As Democratic disgust with Obama's debt fumbling spreads, Clinton supporters recall her 3 am phone-call warnings—and angry, frustrated liberals are muttering that she should mount a 2012 challenge. At a New York political event last week, ...
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Daily Beast
Liberals brand Premier Mike Rann a lame duck
Adelaide Now
DEPUTY Opposition Leader Mitch Williams has branded Premier Mike Rann a "lame duck" and Labor's leadership transition a "farce" that will affect business and political dealings. The Greens have also warned BHP now has the state "over a barrel" as ...
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Recent Nanos poll shows Conservative support slipping nationally
Globe and Mail
The Liberals, meanwhile, are moving up dramatically and are now statistically tied with the NDP for national support, the Globe/CTV/Nanos poll shows. "The honeymoon is over," says pollster Nik Nanos, referring to the Conservatives. ...
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Globe and Mail
Tim Harper: Rae's taking advantage of NDP turmoil
Toronto Star
One Liberal in Nova Scotia told him the party has "lost the ear" of Canadians. Rae is building the party membership, and he received good fundraising news last week. He believes the Liberals have to become a "hotbed of ideas,'' vows made by his ...
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Are Liberals Nicer? Maybe Not So Much.
Huffington Post (blog)
There is a notion that, at the very least, liberals are nicer, kinder, more compassionate, and that in general they stand for the "right" things. There is health care, caring about poor people, being anti-racist, being in favor of gay marriage, ...
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Planned protest widens Islamist-liberal gap in Egypt
Monsters and
Cairo - An Egyptian Islamist group slammed Sunday an alliance between liberals and Muslim Sufis to hold a mass protest in central Cairo on Friday to counter calls for the establishment of an Islamic state in Egypt. 'This alliance is aimed at gaining ...
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Chronicles of Ill-Liberalism
Power Line (blog)
Perhaps the hallmark of historic liberalism, at least the 19 th century variety of Thomas Jefferson or John Stuart Mill as well as mid-20 th century liberals, was toleration and free expression. But does anyone doubt for a nanosecond that if those who ...
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iron fist on boats clings to office
The Australian
The Liberals, bizarrely, are criticising the humanitarian aspects of the deal. Yet the Liberals themselves in office forcibly turned back boats, containing unaccompanied minors, to Indonesia. This was presumably at least as challenging on the ...
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Letter: Obama, liberals messing up free market with 'free' stuff
The Daily News Journal
Thank you, Mr. President, and other well-meaning liberals. But would you please from this point forward simply step aside and allow freedom and the free market to work? Everything you've done so far under the guise of helping me has only made things ...
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Tea Party Nation Founder: Liberal Ideology Has 'Killed A Billion People'
This comes just a day after Phillips compared liberals in Wisconsin to Nazi stormtroopers. Possibly eager to add more fire to the inferno of insults, Vince Schmuki, a leader in the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group, suggested that the effort to recall ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Liberals Spinning S&P Credit Downgrade: BLAME IT ON THE ...
By Robert Stacy McCain
Nothing is more amazing than the ability of liberals — both politicians and "journalists" — to synchronize their lies. In the wake of Standard & Poors downgrading of the U.S. credit rating Friday, the Democrat-Media Complex has now ...
The Other McCain
Generousity of liberals | novatownhall blog
By ACTivist
Helping out your country and giving in times of need where people are suffering from the lack of having something free.
novatownhall blog
Leaders Preview | Ann Coulter | Ginni Thomas | The Daily Caller
By Ginni Thomas
Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Ann Coulter on liberals' (missing) civility | 'Will any former democratic president ever have to cancel a speech because of the conservative mobs that are creating danger?'
The Daily Caller
Robert Samuelson: Liberals won 2 out of 3 in debt deal | budget ...
Opinion: Robert Samuelson: Liberals won 2 out of 3 in debt deal | budget, deal, spending, cuts, medicare, social, liberals, defense, economy, percent.
The Orange County Register -... » Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency
By Larry O'Connor
991604135 ...

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