Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Wisconsin recall: Conservatives win, liberals gain
Washington Post
But he did not escape rebuke, and progressives can legitimately claim that having watched conservatives take fight after fight to their adversaries, a labor-liberal coalition reversed these roles in Wisconsin. Conservatives withstood this assault. ...
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Ontario Liberals close the gap on Hudak Tories: Poll
National Post (blog)
Of those polled, 38% say they would vote for Hudak and the Conservatives if an election were held tomorrow, while 36% would stick with McGuinty and the Liberals. Despite these findings, the poll also discovered Ontarians are divided on whether they ...
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Hepburn: Top questions for Ontario voters
Toronto Star
If anything, a fresh wave of campaign ads this week, a new poll to be released as early as today and daily pronouncements by the Liberals, Conservatives and New Democrats make it hard to ignore the Oct. 6 election, which is just eight weeks away. ...
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Liberal Executive Chooses Leadership Process
The provincial Liberal party's executive board has agreed on a process to select a new leader. The move came after Yvonne Jones announced Tuesday that cancer treatment has left her physically unable to lead a gruelling election campaign. ...
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Liberals look for rival to Thomson
Sydney Morning Herald
Craig Thomson ... the Liberal Party is hoping to spark a byelection in his seat of Dobell. Photo: Andrew Meares THE Liberal Party is seeking a preselection candidate for the federal seat of Dobell as it tries to force out the Labor member, ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Liberal Leader Bob Rae says party needs to campaign 24-7 to regain its might
680 News
WINNIPEG - Federal Liberal Leader Bob Rae says his party has to stop approaching elections as if they can start campaigning the day the writ is dropped. The interim leader was in Winnipeg for a stop on his summer nationwide tour trying to figure out a ...
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Conservatives, Liberals Come To Defense Of Michele Bachmann's Newsweek Cover
Michele Bachmann has garnered a lot of criticism in the past few days, and has been condemned by many conservatives as well as some liberals. The photo, which many are calling "sexist", features Bachmann starring off away from the camera and sporting ...
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LETTER: This bomb isn't dropping
Gadsden Times
Liberals want to raise taxes on the people who create jobs. If business taxes go up, the price of the goods produced also will go up to compensate for the rise. Democrats are against sending illegal aliens back to where they came from. ...
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Is the Far-Left Media Misleading America?
Fox News
Look, the liberals, the Democrats have been saying this for a century. Whenever you need the money, you take it away from the one essential function of government, which is national defense. And perhaps he also hasn't heard that the sainted John ...
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Liberals Have Been Played for Chumps
Mother Jones (blog)
Here's the thing. I know Tea Party Republicans were behind the debt-ceiling standoff that wreaked needless damage on confidence in the United States. I wrote weeks ago of Standard & Poor's outrageous nerve in threatening a downgrade when America's ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Works and Days » The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama
By Victor Davis Hanson
But the argument remains incoherent: Obama is being blamed for not being liberal enough—after federalizing much of the health care delivery system, expanding government faster than at any time since 1933, borrowing more money in two and ...
Works and Days
Why Would Liberals Be Happy About a Senator Who Wants to Cut ...
By Dean Baker
The Washington Post told readers that Senator John Kerry's appointment to the Supercommittee that...
Business Insider
Obama Messed With the Liberals | RedState
By littletboca (Profile)
Describes the way Liberals are starting to view Obama.
AMERICAblog News: Liberals get feisty with congresswoman at ...
By John Aravosis (DC)
News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective.
AMERICAblog News

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