Friday, August 19, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Obama faces discontent among some liberal groups as he faces re-election
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — Liberals argue that he caved on the debt ceiling. Unions are upset over his handling of unemployment and labor issues. Hispanics brought the immigration debate directly to his campaign doorstep. President Barack Obama's summer of ...
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Liberals and the Texas Unemployment Miracle
Fox News
By John Lott With Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry officially entering the presidential race last week, liberals have started attacking Texas' economic record. Paul Krugman in the New York Times went first last Sunday. "So what you need to know is ...
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NDP calls for tough pre-election ad rules
Toronto Star
By Tanya Talaga Queen's Park Bureau As political attack ads between Liberals, Tories and special interest groups heat up NDP Leader Andrea Horwath is calling for a pre-election advertisement black out. "A bigger bank account should not buy a bigger ...
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Swelling Alberta Liberal membership roster raises questions
Calgary Herald
By Jen Gerson August 19, 2011 8:02 PM As the deadline to register new Alberta Liberal Party supporters closed Friday, leadership candidates were raising concerns about the legitimacy of the thousands of names that have swelled the voters' lists. ...
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Leaders get a hearing, no concessions
The Canberra Times
It was the first time in a decade that three Liberals have attended the COAG meeting and they told the Prime Minister their own modelling suggested private power generators would lose out badly. NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell said he received a hearing ...
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Haley, You Can Do Better
Washington Post (blog)
Mitchell to her credit held her ground and pointed out to Barbour that the criticism of Perry was coming from such well-known liberals as John Podhoretz and Karl Rove. Barbour likes Perry, and I understand politicians of a like mind standing up for ...
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Julia Gillard, beware: the Liberals want to do Craig Thomson slowly
The Australian
Yet the hard heads within the Labor and Liberal camps are not preparing for an imminent by-election or subsequent early election sparked by Labor losing its tenuous grip on minority government in the House of Representatives. The simple reason is that ...
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PULSE - Local NDP gains will come at the expense of Liberals
19, 2011 - 1) The Liberals and the Conservatives have a very different view of McGuinty's Samsung energy deal. The Liberals claim it will create 16000 jobs, while Tim Hudak and the Conservatives vow to kill the deal if elected. ...
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Harper spins a new brand of patriotism
Globe and Mail
The Liberals embraced the Charter, the flag, peacekeeping and multiculturalism. Now, the Harper Tories are pursuing symbols and areas ignored by the Grits – the Arctic, the military, national sports and especially the monarchy, according to senior ...
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Globe and Mail
Space Aliens Are Probably Progressive Liberals
National Review Online
It turns out that any alien race that comes into contact with us will, by the very fact of their advanced state of development, very likely resemble what we mere Terrans think of as progressive liberals. Indeed, one of the answers advanced by the ...
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National Review Online

Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Daily Kos: Only We Liberals Are Sane, and Believe in Freedom ...
By Tim Graham
If you ever wonder why liberal journalists would concoct their "news" stories without a whisper from conservative sources, perhaps Ray Pensador at Daily Kos can serve as an example of the liberal mind at its most arrogant. ... - Exposing Liberal...
Liberals Can't Make Up Their Minds About the Depression « The ...
By Jonah Goldberg
"A normal person," the liberal economist Brad DeLong recently pronounced, "would not argue that the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression." New York Times financial columnist and Newsweek contributing editor Daniel Gross is even more ...
The Enterprise Blog
Liberals Complain About Obama; Will It Cost Votes? | News One
By Associated Press
Liberals argue that he caved on the debt ceiling. Unions are upset over his handling of unemployment and labor issues. Hispanics brought the immigration debate directly to his campaign doorstep.
News One
Liberals Should LOVE America's Economic Slowdown | Right Wing News
By John Hawkins
Liberals Should LOVE America's Economic Slowdown. Written By : John Hawkins. I'm 100 pages into Mark Steyn's extraordinary book, After America: Get Ready for Armageddon," and I'm already wishing we could make it mandatory reading for ...
Right Wing News
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! | FrontPage Magazine
By Ann Coulter
And as long as there are liberals, there will be some people stoking the mobs. It was only a matter of time, although even I didn't expect it quite this soon. Mobs are always the same — destructive, left-wing and without any clear cause ...
FrontPage Magazine

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