Thursday, August 25, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Jesse Jackson slams Tea Party at MLK event
USA Today
By Melanie Eversley, and Alan Gomez WASHINGTON – Jesse Jackson said Thursday that the Tea Party's tenets are reminiscent of state's rights philosophies used in decades past to oppose federally mandated integration. By Susan Walsh, AP Martin Lither King ...
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USA Today
Tea Party Rage Dies
Daily Beast
A couple of years back, Lindsey Graham had a bulls-eye on his back, at least among Tea Party types here in South Carolina. The Charleston branch was so enraged with the senator's work on climate change legislation in 2009 that it pushed the local GOP ...
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Daily Beast
Rep. Steve Chabot Criticized By Tea Party Activists For Seizing Cameras From ...
Huffington Post
Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) is taking heat from all sides -- including from Tea Party activists Eric Odom and Judson Phillips. At a town hall meeting on Monday, a Chabot staffer directed a Cincinnati police officer to seize video cameras and cell phones from ...
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Jack Kimball's remarks to the press
The Union Leader
Regardless of these short-term difficulties, the struggle between the "Tea Party" and the "Establishment" must be resolved positively so our party will be stronger. I have pledged to unify and be the bridge between the longtime Republicans and the ...
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Sharron Angle to join Tea Party Express tour
Houston Chronicle
The conservative Nevada Republican said Thursday she will join the "Reclaiming America Tour," a cross-country bus tour hosted by the Tea Party Express. The 17-day tour begins Saturday in Napa, Calif., and will stop later that day in Sparks, Nev. ...
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Kerosene Maxine tells Tea Party to 'go to hell.'
Washington Examiner
"And as far as I'm concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell." So spoke Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. It wasn't her first such remark. Waters' list of insults, vulgarities and blame-whitey scapegoating easily makes her the Al Sharpton of Congress ...
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Karl Rove blasts Sarah Palin, 2012 presidential flirt and Tea Party favorite ...
New York Daily News
He added that her schedule, which included a visit this month to the early voting state of Iowa before the Ames Straw Poll and an upcoming Tea Party rally in the Hawkeye State on Sept. 3 - leads him to believe "she's more likely to be a candidate at ...
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New York Daily News
Report: Tea Party's Favorite Snake Needs Government Aid
Mother Jones
Fibonacci Blue/Flickr Since the tea party movement rose to prominence in early 2009, the yellow "Don't Tread on Me" flag has been a ubiquitous presence at everything from health care protests to campaign stops. It features the Revolutionary War-era ...
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Mother Jones
Bachmann to kick off Florida visit tomorrow at tea party-affiliated sub shop
Florida Independent
Angie's is a casual haunt more often visited by surfers than politicians, but its owner, Ed Malin, is a staunch conservative and a member of the tea party. # Malin raised eyebrows last year by posting a sign outside his restaurant that read: "Bible ...
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Tea party favorite O'Donnell fails to draw crowd in Naples
The News-Press
Not even tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell could draw a large crowd for her book signing Wednesday in staunchly Republican Naples during August, a month when there are few tourists and many locals are on vacation. Still, O'Donnell took the turnout ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Dangerous Minds | Americans dislike the Tea party more than gays ...
I mean, really? You'd give that power to the one at the very, very bottom, underneath the atheists? Really?" In their hearts, they know she's right… But how does this explain why the Obama administration kowtows to the Tea party?
Dangerous Minds
'The Tea Party moves to ban books' – Telegraph Blogs
By Daniel Hannan
caption id="attachment_100102069" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="Much easier to deal with a stupid and authoritarian Right than with a freedom-loving Right"][/caption] So says the headline in The Guardian, but I've read th...
AFL-CIO Pres: Obama Aligned Himself With Tea Party To Cut Middle ...
By Brian Beutler
The most powerful union official in the country offered reporters his harshest critique of President Obama to date Thursday, questioning Obama's policy and strategic decisions, and claiming he aligned himself with the Tea Party in the ...
| Tea Party: Race, Gender, Class, & Dominionism Crib Sheet
The U.S. Tea Party Movement began as an elite conservative campaign designed as "astroturfing," which is a propaganda model that creates the false impression of an actual grassroots movement. The idea, however, gained momentum and swept ...
Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: 'Go to Hell!' - Opinion - PatriotPost.US
By Larry Elder
Waters' list of insults, vulgarities and blame-whitey scapegoating easily makes her the Al Sharpton of Congress. Let's go to the videotape: Waters once said of the then-sitting president: 'I would like to ... say ... very clearly that I ...
The Patriot Post

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Group Releases Ad Promoting Palin Iowa Speech ...
Tea Party of America hit the airwaves Monday with a radio ad promoting Sarah Palin's speech in Iowa on Sept. 3.

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