Sunday, August 28, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Express stops in Nevada, Utah Sunday
Houston Chronicle
(AP) â€" The Tea Party Express continued its cross-country tour Sunday with a midday rally in the heart of Nevada that featured about a dozen speakers and musicians focused on "reclaiming America" in the 2012 election. Headlining the event was Sharron ...
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Maxine Waters and the tea party: Sometimes, you have to stand up to a bully
Baltimore Sun
Waters was right to tell the tea party to "go straight to hell" By Leonard Pitts Jr. I am pleased to report the sighting of an artifact so rarely seen among Democrats that it has become the stuff of legend and conjecture, like Bigfoot or theLoch Ness ...
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Studies shed light on the people behind the tea party
The Star-Ledger - (blog)
Just who are the people of the tea party, the big "new thing" in American politics — or at least in the Republican Party? Lots of claims are made for them. They're newcomers to electoral politics, some say. Conservatives to be sure, but independents, ...
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The Star-Ledger - (blog)
Tea, Green Parties Don't Mix
The national tea party movement held what was billed as a major rally in Napa Saturday, but the promised thousands of conservative voters failed to turn up. Police and newspaper estimates placed the crowd at the Napa Valley Exposition at about 600, ...
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Freshman senator ignores 'Rubio for VP' push : 2011-08-28
Washington Times
"The ideal is somebody that is beloved by the tea party who holds statewide office in a swing state and, oh, is Hispanic and young," said Jennifer E. Duffy, of the Cook Political Report. "He [Sen. Marco Rubio] pretty much fills that bill, doesn't he? ...
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Washington Times
Tea Party Tattler? Candidate Sends Erick Erickson's E-Mails to Politico
NewsBusters (blog)
But in Sunday's paper, political writer Ben Pershing reported on how Jamie Radtke, a Tea Party activist running against Allen in the primary, leaked e-mails to Politico from RedState blogger Erick Erickson and turned him from an endorser to someone ...
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Tea Party versus the GOP
Concord Monitor
"One of the major goals of my chairmanship is to help this party move into the future, but sadly there are some who are still stuck in the past," said Kimball, a Tea Party activist. Kimball, who despite his plea for party unity will likely be voted out ...
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D303 board took step away from book banners
Chicago Sun-Times
But despite that jumbo shrimp-like oxymoron, that's the exact phrase St. Charles D303 school board member and Tri-City Tea Party Patriots organizer Judith McConnell used to describe "Social Studies Alive!" as the board debated the textbook's fate. ...
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Tea party totally to blame for debacle
Jackson Clarion Ledger
Robert Peters' argument that the tea party is unfairly blamed for the debt-ceiling debacle and Standard & Poor's debt downgrade of the United States is abjectly wrong ("Tea party being unfairly blamed," Aug. 15 letter). The tea party is fairly blamed ...
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Perry's tea party strategy includes distancing from George W. Bush
Dallas Morning News (subscription) (blog)
George W. Bush's spending policies have left him out of favor with tea party voters Perry needs. Perry has backed away from some things he wrote in his anti-Washington book, Fed-Up. But not his critique of federal spending under Bush. ...
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Blogs2 new results for "Tea Party"
The TEA Party Keeps Rolling « Blogs For Victory
By Mark Edward Noonan
I have been part of the kick off of the Tea Party Express bus tour as it starts its 17 day, 30 city tour, ending in Tampa, Florida on September 12th for the Tea Party Express/CNN debate. The tour starts in Napa Valley, and then heads east to Reno ...
Blogs For Victory
Some of You Tea Party Folk Think Rick Perry's the Answer ...
By Mark America
caption id="attachment_2101" align="alignnone" width="255" caption="Looks Tough Firing Blanks"][/caption] If you're a Tea Party member, or you have significant sympathies with them, I'd caution you against climbing aboard Rick Perry's ...

Web4 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Express launches bus tour from California | Reuters
NAPA, California (Reuters) - With the Republican campaign for the White House taking shape, hundreds of Tea Party activists kicked off a national bus tour on ...
Rick Perry is "tea party" favorite in new Gallup poll - Los Angeles ...
Michele Bachmann may be the head of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress, but Rick Perry is the "tea party's" presidential favorite, according to a new Gallup poll.
Daily Kos: Tea party Rep. Cravaack gets union disability payments
Tea party freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) will possibly regret caving to constituent demand and having actual open and free town meetings when word of ...
Tea Party To Palin: Shut Up Over Sen. Hatch - US News and World ...
Leading group says Palin's sucking up to 'liberal' Republican.

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