Sunday, August 14, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News8 new results for U.S. Politics
The Flavor du Jour of US Politics
New York Times
... but the odds that she will help shape the race and the agenda are much higher. A version of this article appeared in print on August 15, 2011, in The International Herald Tribune with the headline: The Flavor Du Jour of US Politics.
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US political duopoly is failing
Philadelphia Inquirer
The risk of governmental paralysis will remain no matter how the voters sort out the political players. Indeed, the credit downgrade by Standard & Poor's was in part a thumbs-down verdict on our current politics - a dire forecast of further paralysis. ...
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US' political economy has crossed its Rubicon
Will the polarization between the two groups keep rising and foster further political risk and downgrades of US treasuries? Earlier this year, many observers wondered why the cost of buying protection against the risk of default on the US government's ...
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U.S. politics, debt have your interest
Port Huron Times Herald
No Name: "James Opferman's opinion about divisive politics was proven by the personal attacks expressed by Dave and Brian. Rather than addressing the information given, they chose the popular, uninformed style of personal attacks with no substance. ...
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On Sunday shows, Michele Bachmann outlines economic cures for US
Los Angeles Times
Asked by host David Gregory whether she stood by her opposition to raising the debt ceiling after Standard & Poor's cited the political gridlock in Washington as a major factor in its decision to downgrade the US credit rating to AA+, Bachmann said the ...
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Los Angeles Times
Why Americans Hate Politics
Huffington Post
And I'm offering my own tribute, in typical activist form: a week-long boycott of politics. Starting Monday at my Web site, The Recovering Politician (where a few dozen of us former elected officials offer our educated critiques of the policy landscape ...
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With dismal approval polls, Obama hits the road
CBS News
We didn't get into this mess overnight, and it's going to take time to get out of it," the president told the US over the weekend, all but pleading for people to stick with him. A deeply unsettled political landscape, with voters in a fiercely ...
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US, in turmoil, risks fulfillment of bin Laden's aims
Boston Globe
Coming up on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, what more could Osama bin Laden have wanted for the United States? The economy is struggling through its worst period since the Great Depression. The US political system is virtually paralyzed, ...
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Boston Globe

Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
CLIVE CROOK: Politics neuters U.S. policy | iPolitics
By Clive Crook
Politics, not economics, has neutered U.S. policy. Americans think that the stimulus of 2009 failed, and they are worried about long-term public debt. With the economy still in recession, the word "stimulus" is all but forbidden. ...

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