Monday, August 29, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Britain and US accused of playing politics with Megrahi's condition
The Independent
By Oliver Wright, Whitehall Editor The British and US governments were last night accused of ignoring the law and engaging in "international politicking" over the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. The Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond turned ...
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JPMorgan's Mowat on Japan Politics, China, US Economy
Washington Post
Mowat, who also discusses Japan's politics, speaks with Susan Li, John Dawson and Zeb Eckert on Bloomberg Television's "Asia Edge." He spoke before the announcement Yoshihiko Noda was elected head of Japan's ruling party. ...
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Politics blog: Mark Neumann says he is entering U.S. Senate race
Capitol reporters Mary Spicuzza and Clay Barbour bring you their takes on state and Madison-area politics. Former US Rep. Mark Neumann announced on Monday that he's entering the race for the US Senate seat held by retiring Democrat Herb Kohl because he ...
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Noda seen safe choice to lead quake-hit Japan
"I have said 'let us end the politics of resentment,'" he told reporters after the vote. Noda's victory will no doubt be greeted with relief by the Bank of Japan. While all other candidates called for the central bank to buy more government bonds or ...
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Michelle Bachmann too nutty to be US President - Opinion
Havana Journal
I usually don't comment on US politics unless it is directly related to Cuba policy, but since Michelle Bachmann was in Little Havana kissing some old Cuban exile ass, I couldn't help but to sum up my thoughts with the title of this article. ...
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American Politics Has a Fame Problem
U.S. News & World Report
As Americans, there can never be any primary salvation for us in politics. Largely because of our disfigured criteria of selection, the American president and other elected high officials, Democrat or Republican, can never be expected to lead. ...
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The United States of 'Jesusland'? [Most commented]
Los Angeles Times
Perhaps because her religion has not become the practiced religion of the State, Charlotte Allen vituperates those who have cautioned us about the politicians with fervent religious agenda. It is not unfair to descry that Charlotte Allen wants politics ...
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A 'new normal' for avoiding political storms
By Ed Hornick, CNN A US Coast Guard boat patrols the choppy waters off Liberty Island hours after Hurricane Irene blew through Sunday. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg were bluntly pro-active Washington (CNN) ...
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U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow shrugs off Gov. Rick Snyder's endorsement of Pete ...
Pete Hoekstra for the US Senate seat she will defend in 2012. "It is becoming a very intense primary," said Stabenow in an interview with Press editors. "From my perspective, I've got lots of time next year to focus on politics. ...
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After Irene, FEMA facing a disaster of its own — funding
Washington Post
By Ed O'Keefe and Rosalind S. Helderman, Now that the big hurricane is behind us — three days for Irene and six years for Katrina — the Federal Emergency Management Agency is running out of money and finds itself operating in a new political and ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
European and US Working Class Politics: Right, Left and Neutered ...
By James Petras
The deepening economic crises in Europe and the United States are provoking contrasting socio-political responses from the working and middle classes. In.
Dissident Voice
1st Candidate Makes Official U.S. Senate Announcement - Politics ...
By wisn
MADISON, Wis. -- Former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann announces he's running for U.S. Senate. Monday, August 29, 2011.

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