Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday's Daily Brief

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
INVESTIGATION: CIA Helping Police Department Conduct Secret Anti-Terror Operations
Hurricane Irene Strengthens, Evacuations Begin In The U.S.
New York Attorney General Kicked Off Government Group Leading Foreclosure Probe
GOP Power Outsiders Satisfied With Choices, Down On Palin
Mississippi Gets First Black Major Party Candidate For Governor In Modern Times
Arianna Huffington: WIE 2011: Connecting With the Next Generation of Women Leaders
Last year, the three of us co-hosted the inaugural WIE Symposium (Women: Inspiration & Enterprise). It was a remarkable event, bringing together inspiring women leaders, activists, entertainers, and entrepreneurs from across the globe -- all gathering to share our ideas, our experiences, and our desire to help make life better for women around the world. This year's event -- taking place in New York September 18 and 19 -- promises to be even better, with an amazing lineup of speakers, honorees, and participants. Mika Brzezinski, Rosario Dawson, Iman, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Serena Williams are just a few of those scheduled to take part. We invite you to join us.
Cory Booker: A Dream Anew
I am part of a generation that stands on the shoulders of giants from the modern civil rights movement. And now my generation is called to no less of an urgent state of affairs. The dream of our democracy -- advanced and protected by heroes past and present -- is still not yet achieved.
Marlo Thomas: DSK: Case Not Dismissed
When I heard Strauss-Kahn's charges were being dismissed, all I could think of was a picture I saw in the paper last spring of a proud army of hotel maids in their grey uniforms gathered outside the courthouse where he was being arraigned, to at last make their voices heard.
Jason Eric Schiffman, M.D., M.A., M.B.A.: 5 Ways to Reduce Earthquake Anxiety
Although, the quake caused minimal damage to person or property, it rattled many Americans, especially since the timing of its occurrence was so close to the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.
Vicki Abelson: I Don't Want Your Husband. No. Really!
It's my...second divorce, I'm a two-time loser. To some of my girlfriends that makes me a winner. The mixed perception and reality that now I'm in the enviable position of starting over, from scratch, like a new cookie recipe. This scares and thrills them at the same time.

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