Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday's Daily Brief

Friday, October 14, 2011
Beyond the Battlefield: As Wounded Veterans Struggle To Recover, Caregivers Share The Pain
Occupy Wall Street: Park 'Cleanup' That Would Have Displaced Protesters Cancelled
Community Bank To Pay Customers To Open Accounts In Response To BofA's Fees
iPhone 4S Goes On Sale
Why Your Career Is Stalling (When You're Doing Everything Right)
Al Gore: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street
With democracy in crisis, a true grassroots movement pointing out the flaws in our system is the first step in the right direction. Count me among those supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Emilio Estevez: On Directing Martin -- Man or Ma-Sheen?
"Wait!" Stop! Cut!" I order. The camera stops running. The crew, cast and background artists return to their starting marks. "Stop being Martin," I say to him in front of everyone to hear.
Robin Quivers: Money, Education and Love
We women have heard over and over again that for men, it's all about looks. But research shows the more educated you are, the more weight you can carry and still remain very attractive to the opposite sex.
Michele Williamson: How to Create the Perfect Marriage Proposal
Proposing marriage can be an overwhelming task. It may be a challenging feat, but if you follow the tips below you can have your own perfect marriage proposal.
Dr. Joel Hoffman: Five Ways Your Bible Translation Distorts the Original Meaning of the Text
Unfortunately, etymology, internal structure, and cognates are the three pillars of Bible translation. And with them, the power of history and a focus on the wrong parts of metaphor degrade all English Bibles even more.

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