Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
South Carolina conservatives warming to Mitt Romney
Washington Post
Even in the context of South Carolina politics, he is regarded as a conservative maverick. Yet on this night, Mitt Romney is stopping by his fundraiser at the Mills House Hotel, and Loftis could not be more pleased. Republicans, he says, should have ...
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Will Conservatives make liberal cuts to the CBC?
Vancouver Sun
The prospect of a severely slashed budget has emerged despite Conservative election promises to "maintain or increase" support for the public broadcaster, and amid fears now openly expressed by top executives that the coming cuts could be driven even ...
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Tory leadership ballot under way
BBC News
She said: "I am hugely encouraged by the reception I have received from those members at the coalface who share my absolute belief that with the right kind of change the Scottish Conservatives can become a formidable force in Scottish politics and ...
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BBC News
Conservatives:"We are the 53 percent"
Washington Post (blog)
Conservative activists have created a Tumblr called "We are the 53 percent" that's meant to be a counterpunch to the viral "We are the 99 percent" site that's become a prominent symbol for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Tumblr is supposed to ...
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Lord Hesketh: former Tory party treasurer defects to UKIP 'over Europe'
"Over the last few months a number of former Conservatives have joined UKIP as they have become disillusioned with the Conservative Party. Lord Hesketh felt let down by David Cameron when he recently ruled out a referendum and he is not alone. ...
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Polls apart? The Conservatives by numbers in the north
The Guardian (blog)
Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images As the Conservative faithful gathered for the party's annual conference in Manchester, one would be forgiven for thinking that they did so behind enemy lines. In a series of guest pieces for the Northerner ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Rove and Koch
Politico (blog)
Ken Vogel elaborates on a tension he and I have been following for quite a while: The split between the Republican operatives around Karl Rove and the conservative ideologues in the massive Koch financial network. The two groups are looking to pull ...
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Perkins: Straw Poll Not Reflective of Ron Paul's Social Conservative Support
Christian Post
By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporter Ron Paul's first place finish in the Values Voter Summit straw poll this past weekend should not be seen as a measure of support among social conservatives, said the president of Family Research Council. ...
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Alberta's old boys' club elects a new premier
by Colby Cosh on Monday, October 10, 2011 10:10am - 0 Comments Alison Redford, who has captured the leadership of the Alberta Progressive Conservatives and will soon be sworn in as the province's 14th premier, was the preferred candidate of those who ...
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Anyone but Obama
Tapped (blog)
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Christian conservatives -- at least, as represented by the 3000 or so attendees of this year's Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC -- are determined to make Barack Obama a one-term president. "My motto for next year is ...
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Tapped (blog)

Blogs1 new result for Conservatives
LaRouche Supporter Admits Conservatives Had ... - Weasel Zippers
LaRouche Supporter Admits Conservatives Had Nothing To Do With Obama/Hitler Posters MSM Tried To Pin On Tea Partiers… The MSM will continue to ignore the truth, they've known all along these were LaRouche nuts holding the signs. ...
Weasel Zippers

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Romney woos conservatives : 'I will not surrender America's role ...
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, hoping to boost his lackluster image among conservatives, evoked a message filled with God and country ...

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