Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
The conservative case for Mitt Romney
Washington Post
It has been Mitt Romney's successful strategy to keep a low profile, emerging periodically for fluent debate performances, while the conservative meteors streak and fade. Every week that an untested rival surges, dominates the news and then stumbles, ...
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Conservative women grapple with a GOP front-runner accused of sexual harassment
Daily Caller
By Caroline May WASHINGTON - JANUARY 08: Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham poses on the red carpet upon arrival at a salute to FOX News Channel's Brit Hume on January 8, 2009 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images) Female ...
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Auditor general nominee promises to learn French
Toronto Star
OTTAWA—The Conservatives' pick to be the next auditor general says he's committed to learning French, a vow that has done little to defuse opposition to his appointment. Michael Ferguson got a rough ride Monday — and even an impromptu language test ...
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Half of Conservative MPs 'want to pull out of the EU'
His comments came as David Cameron braces himself for the first test of his authority since 81 Conservative MPs defied the Whip to vote in favour of a referendum on Britain's relationship with Europe. There was considerable anger within the Cabinet at ...
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Perry Flat Tax Is Fool's Gold for Conservatives: Ramesh Ponnuru
Many conservatives swooned over the idea, regarding it as simple, fair and pro-growth. But the other Republican candidates quickly exposed its flaws. Chief among them was that replacing a progressive income tax with a flat tax necessarily means ...
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Analysis: Ruling conservatives in disarray in South Korea
By Jeremy Laurence SEOUL (Reuters) - The death knell for conservative rule is getting louder by the day in South Korea, where voters are rejecting the big-business friendly policies of the government and demand a fairer share of the country's growing ...
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Romney to Address Conservative Activists on Spending
By Scott Conroy - October 31, 2011 MANCHESTER, NH -- Mitt Romney will deliver what his campaign is billing as a major policy speech on government spending to a large gathering of fiscally conservative activists in Washington, DC, on Friday night. ...
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Tory gun bill delists sniper rifles, semi-automatics
Toronto Star
They are all weapons that will soon be declassified under the Conservatives' bill to kill the long-gun registry and freed from binding controls that now see them listed with the RCMP-run database. They fall under the class of "non-restricted" weapons ...
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Conservative crime agenda a costly failure
Canada First Perspective
By NDP MP JASBIR SANDHU | Oct. 31, 2011 Since the introduction of the Conservatives' controversial omnibus crime bill in September we have seen a groundswell of concern from across the country. Opposition to the Conservative crime agenda has been ...
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Bulgaria's ruling conservatives take presidency as well
Monsters and
By Boris Babic Oct 31, 2011, 7:26 GMT Sofia - Bulgaria's ruling conservative GERB party secured a boost on Sunday, with its candidate Rosen Plevenliev heading for election to the largely ceremonial presidency following a second-round run-off, ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Elizabeth Warren Gives Conservatives New Motivation to Get ...
By Joel B. Pollak
Elizabeth Warren might just be the motivation that conservatives need to get behind the re-election campaign of Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA). Until now, the Tea Party activists that helped push Brown to an historic victory in 2010 had been ...
Big Government
Poor Victimized Conservatives Argue that Comedy is Politically Biased
By Dustin Rowles
Pajiba: Reviews, News, Quotes & Cultural Commentary.
Enemy Propagandist Chris Matthews Blames Conservatives For JFK ...
By The Assassin
Even if you reject the Warren Commission and believe that the Zapruder film reflects that an unknown killer fired from the grassy knoll, Texas conservatives as a group had nothing to do with the assassination. Matthews could have mentioned, ...
Pat Dollard
Rick Perry and the Bankruptcy of Modern Day Conservatives ...
By Robert Borosage
Texas Governor Rick Perry touts himself as the most conservative candidate who is electable. He prays with the fundamentalists, hunts with the Second Amendment gang, decries federal tyranny with the 10th Amendment crowd, and "pokes" ...
Blog entry

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Hewt Bachpaulrum: The Choice of Iowa Conservatives - Steve ...
Hewt Bachpaulrum: The Choice of Iowa Conservatives - Steve Deace: Here in the first in the nation caucus state, the.

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