Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamic room for ex-PM's library
BBC News
An Islamic reading room has opened in Gladstone's Library in Hawarden, Flintshire, to help promote inter-faith understanding and co-operation. The library was founded by Victorian prime minister William Gladstone. The room is called the House of Wisdom ...
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BBC News
Distrusted Iran likely won't fill vacuum in Iraq
The Seattle Times
But here, in this region that is a center of Shiite Islam, some officials say that Iran wore out its welcome long ago. By TIM ARANGO Shiite Muslims pray at Imam Ali Shrine, one of Iraq's holiest sites in Najaf. Though Iraq and Iran are dominantly ...
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Rising Power Turkey balances Islam and modernity, East and West
Richmond Times Dispatch
With its stallion economy, effective democratic governance and liberal society that has found a balance between Islam and modernity, it's a model of Muslim democracy, inspiring Muslims in the region and beyond. In Turkey, for example, ...
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The battle for the soul of Islam
Bikya Masr
Devout and disciplined Muslims, the Almoravids were not just equipped with swords, but with zealous belief in Islamic orthodox doctrine. They managed to conquer al-Andalus ending Al-Mu'tamid's rule and sent him to exile. Almoravids recipe to salvage ...
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Bikya Masr
Islamic rule comes 'through patience, wisdom, hard work'
By Aaron Klein The Boy Scouts of America maintains scouting partnerships with Islamic groups closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, WND has learned. The Boy Scouts of America welcomes major religions, including Islam. It has incorporated under its ...
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Sudan: State Islam According to Al-Intibaha
Pushing the contestation of Islam and the state forward as the ultimate political question in the country the text reads like somebody's fantasy and by definition another's nightmare. The draft, in the tradition of Sudanese precedents, begins with a ...
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Tunisia Islamists storm university over veil ban
Reuters India
Under Ben Ali rule, thousands of people who were suspected of membership of an Islamist political group or who followed strict interpretations of Islam were arrested. The full-face veil -- known as the niqab -- is rarely seen on Tunisia's streets but ...
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Conservative Shock Jock Reels Off Islamophobia's Greatest Hits
"I believe it's important that we have a president who understands that Islam is not a religion of peace, but a religion of war and violence and death." "Every single Mosque in America is a potential recruiting or training cell for Islamic terror. ...
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Letters: Church-state split vital everywhere
Appleton Post Crescent
At the age of 19, the 32-year-old pastor became a convert to Christianity from Islam. An Iranian court sentenced him to death for apostasy. He merely has to renounce his conversion to save his life. Nadarkhani refuses to do this, preferring to die for ...
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