Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamic religious center plan runs into opposition
Sacramento Bee
This time around the Islamic Center of Naperville wants to buy the land and someday build a mosque there, said HOPE's pastor Timothy Sylvia. In his view, that's the difference. "This display of true ignorance ... breaks my heart, raises my concern and ...
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Tunisian Islamist party backs moderate form of Sharia law
By IPEK YEZDANI ISTANBUL -- Tunisia's main Islamist party supports a moderate form of Sharia law that would combine "democracy, which is a Western product, with Islam, which is our own heritage," the party's leader said. Rachid Ghannouchi of the ...
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Full text of Sultan of Selangor's statement on church operation controversy
Malaysia Star
We, the Head of the Religion of Islam in the State of Selangor, take great concern over the actions by the Enforcement Division of the Selangor Department of the Religion of Islam (Jais) which carried out a search at the Thanksgiving Dinner event which ...
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Barry reunites with Farrakhan at Philadelphia event
Washington Post (blog)
By Mike DeBonis Barry in 1994, when his association with Farrakhan was strongest (Lucian Perkins - The Washington Post) Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on Sunday gathered thousands of his followers in Philadelphia for a 16th anniversary ...
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NYPD infiltration of colleges raises privacy fears
A table held tracts with titles like "Women's Dress in Islam" and "Samples from the Illustrious Qur'an." A bulletin board offered free Arabic classes. Nazim Hussain, 21, a senior accounting major, said the club offers a quiet place to worship on the ...
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Women and Islam: No smooth path
Hindu Business Line
If it is naïve and stereotyped to label a Muslim woman 'liberal Islamist' just because she switches from 'full facial veil' to covering her head, it is as dangerous to expect that 'Islamic movements' will play a positive role in liberating Arab women. ...
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Wham! Bam! Islam! Comes to Independent Lens October 13, 2011
For example, comic books and superheroes were never an integral part of Islamic culture. On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Independent Lens (PBS) will premiere Wham! Bam! Islam!, an independent film about the creation of a comic book based on Islamic ...
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Libyan cleric demands 'moderate' Islam
Tripoli - A prominent and influential Libyan Islamist cleric, returning to his native land after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, has demanded a role for "moderate" Islam in politics. "We call for a moderate Islam," Ali Al-Sallabi said at a meeting ...
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Youcef Nadarkhani Still in Danger: Ayatollah Khamenei to be his Final Judge
International Business Times
By Daniel Tovrov | October 10, 2011 5:24 PM EDT The fate of Youcef Nadarkhani, the Iranian pastor sentenced to death for refusing to convert to Islam, now belongs to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Nadarkhani was first arrested in 2009 and then ...
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International Business Times

Blogs1 new result for Islam news
Dutch MP to Release Book on Islam : Euro-Islam: News and ...
By Euro-Islam
Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party, will release a book about the history of Islam in late April 2012. Press agency Novum announced that the book, which will examine "the true nature of Islam" will be launched in the US ...
Euro-Islam: News and Analysis...

Web2 new results for Islam news
Islam News | Glee Club Productions
Islam News. Posted by rahot on October 8th, 2011. latest news Glee. If уου try tο gο deeper іn thе subject аnd look around yourself, уου wіll experience thаt thеrе ...
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - 'Baitak ...
KUWAIT, Oct 8 (KUNA) -- Kuwait Finance House (Baitak) is looking forward to participation in upcoming national-level finance forum to shed further li (more)

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