Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News6 new results for Islam news
Islamic superheroes: Role models or propaganda?
The 99, superheroes whose creator says are intended to be positive role models for Muslim youth, have been criticized by some as Islamic propaganda. One female character wears a burqa. By Rick Schindler Jabbar the Powerful is a Saudi Arabian teen with ...
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Islam and Religious Freedom: The Way Forward
Catholic Culture
By Dr. Jeff Mirus | October 13, 2011 6:22 PM Did you know that many Muslim scholars are convinced that Islam calls for freedom of religion? Abdullah Saeed, who is the Sultan of Oman Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Melbourne, ...
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Islamist Protests in Tunisia
Huffington Post
Tunisia is a free state, independent and sovereign: its religion is Islam, its language Arabic, and its regime the republic. -- 1st article of the Tunisian constitution. One might think that as Tunisians prepare to write their new constitution, ...
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80 Anti-Islam Militant Cells Operate in Europe: Anders Behring Breivik
International Business Times
Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian man who admitted to bombing and shooting sprees that killed 77 people in Norway in July, claims that there are up to eight anti-Islamic militant cells across Europe, according to investigators in Oslo. ...
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International Business Times
Al Qaeda leader releases video calling for Islamic rule in Libya
Ayman Mohamed Rabi' Ayman al-Zawahri, 60, is a university educated Islamic ideologist who qualified in medicine, and whose gentle appearance is at odds with the violent branch of Islamism. Dressed all in white against a green backdrop of what appears ...
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Religious beliefs clash during Darwish lecture
ASU Herald
Nonie Darwish speaks about Islam and Sharia Law to an audience with mixed beliefs on religion. The First Amendment of the constitution gives US. citizens some of their most treasured rights including the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
RPT-Libyan Islamist demands role for moderate Islam | News by ...
(Restores dropped words in headline) * Al-Sallabi gained influence with ties to Qatar * Opponents suspect he wants strict Islamist rule * Analysts monitor fault ...

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