Friday, October 21, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamic Speech Police Lobby Eric Holder's DOJ
Pajamas Media
Top Justice Department officials convened a meeting Wednesday where invited Islamic advocates lobbied them for cutbacks in anti-terror funding, changes in agents' training manuals, additional curbs on investigators and a legal declaration that US ...
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Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi believed still in desert: NTC
CAIRO (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam is believed to be still at large in Libya's desert, a member of the National Transitional Council said on Thursday after NTC officials said the former Libyan leader had been found and killed. ...
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Islam: A complete religion
Saudi Gazette
By Mohammed Aqil Islam is a precious gift from Allah to His Creations that enlightens them in the dark. It's a monotheistic and complete religion based on the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah has completed His Deen ...
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Hyatt quislings cave to Islamic supremacists
Under the Shariah, criticism of Islam is blasphemy (punishable by death in Muslims countries living under the Shariah). This is the death of free speech in the continuing Islamization of America, as I saw vividly Tuesday night when I spoke in Houston, ...
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The Islamists will not rule in Tunisia after Sunday's vote
Montreal Gazette
All are considered progressive or centre-left except one: the Islamic party Ennahda. Though the party has pledged to uphold democracy, secular critics suspect that Ennahda has a secret agenda to impose hard-line Islam. Ennahda leads in the polls with ...
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Tehran's Domestic Discontents
New York Times
Even during the Iran-Iraq war, clerical pronouncements and propaganda often presented the struggle as an assault on Islam and the Prophet's legacy by the profane forces of disbelief. In sum, the Islamic Republic has spent the last three decades seeking ...
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Iran Rejects Report of UN Rights Rapporteur
Inter Press Service
On Wednesday, Sadeq Larijani, the head of Iran's judiciary, rejected the report, saying, "We cannot accept human rights dictated by the West, as we have accepted a religious regime and defend Islam's human rights principles assertively and of course ...
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Kadafi's son Mutassim among those reported killed in Surt
Los Angeles Times
Another Kadafi son, Seif Islam, was wounded in the leg and was being held in a hospital northwest of Surt, a member of Libya's Transitional National Council government told the Associated Press. Seif Islam was once considered Kadafi's heir apparent. ...
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Sharia law expert to be at TTU Friday
Cookeville Herald Citizen
This past August, she organized the public viewing of a DVD on Islam called "Warning to America" with Dutch Parlimentarian Geert Wilders at the Putnam County Courthouse, which caused a stir with supporters as well as protestors. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
Frontier Post :: Afghanistan News :: 3 Sri Lankans embrace Islam
By shimran
KANDAHAR (AIP): Three Sri Lankan citizens embraced Islam at the Kandahar Central Prison here Thursday.The three Sri Lankan nationals accepted Islam as their religion before religious clerics and mediaperons at the Kandahar Central ...
Frontier Post

Web4 new results for Islam news
How Do I Answer Bad Questions? - Islam News Room
Tell Me How To Reply To Harsh Questions. Please use the following websites ( below) to look up the subjects you are interested in, inshallah. Begin with this one ...
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Tadawul ...
The Saudi Stock Exchange opened lower but eventually gained momentum and ended up 0.31% at 6150.64 points. Market bellwether Sabic recovered from an ...
MFS - The Other News: "Let's turn Belgium into an Islamic state. We ...
"Let's turn Belgium into an Islamic state. We reject democracy. To all infidels, adjust or get out. My mission is to please Allah only!" ...
Dailymotion - Are young British Muslims committed to Islam? - a ...
One of the primary responsibilities Muslim parents have toward their children is sharing knowledge and raising them on Islamic principles. more close. News & ...

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