Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
With future for Saif al-Islam unknown, Niger wary
Reuters India
Slideshow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's most prominent son, Saif al-Islam, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Tripoli March 10, 2011. By Mark John NIAMEY (Reuters) - The likely flight of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi from Libya to neighbouring Niger ...
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Feldman: Islamist Victory in Tunisia a Win for Democracy
Unlike the young secularists, many Tunisians see Islam as a defining feature of their personal and political identities. The public also knows that Islamic democrats such as Ennahdha's intellectual leader, Rashid Ghannouchi, were almost the only voices ...
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'Sharia' in the new Middle East
Washington Post (blog)
The foundation they are most familiar with is Islam. Can such a foundation ultimately lead to a repressive theocracy? Yes. But it can also lead to a modern constitutional state that protects the rights of its citizens. Libya's choice still lays ahead. ...
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Critical Split: Sharia breeds anger in Germany
Introducing lessons on Islam in schools was meant to help integrate the country's three million Muslims. But the policy is having some undesired effects. RT's Daniel Bushell has more. RT on Twitter RT on Facebook ...
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Edmonton imam beaten, 'manhandled' by police in Saudi Arabia, witnesses say
National Post (blog)
Mr. Al-Atar is a Shiite, a sect of Islam that is often subject to persecution in Saudi Arabia. "Mr. Al-Atar is a Canadian citizen and at this juncture we need Foreign Affairs to find out the facts and make sure he is safe," said Mr. Mavani. ...
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Tunisia's Jews 'discouraged' after Islamic party win
LA GOULETTE, Tunisia — Gilles Jacob Lellouche, a member of Tunisia's small Jewish minority, shrugs as he contemplates the future under a government run by the Islamic party that swept the country's first free polls. "We will wait and see," he said ...
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US embassy attack in Bosnia underscores radical Islamist threat in the Balkans
Washington Post
Friday's incident in Sarajevo, in which the gunman and a police officer were wounded but no one died, was the latest in a series of incidents in eastern Europe involving Wahhabis — followers of an austere brand of Sunni Islam promoted by radicals, ...
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New Al-Shabab message urges terrorist attacks against Canada
National Post (blog)
The English-language message specifically called for terrorist attacks in Canada and said it was a duty for Muslims to fight for Islam, urging listeners not to "just sit around and be a couch potato and just chill all day." "My brothers and sisters, ...
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Good Muslim, American Muslim
The Star-Ledger - (blog)
It will cover segments on sisters who are polar opposites (one wears a headscarf and prays daily, the other has tattoos – forbidden in Islam-- and is married to an Irish Catholic). It will also follow the story of a high school football coach, ...
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The Star-Ledger - (blog)

Blogs1 new result for Islam news
Malaysia's Minorities Fear Expansion Of Islamic Law « Persecution ...
By persecution
And the issue of justice might become even more complex if the proposed Islamic criminal code were introduced. Zainah Anwar, a prominent Muslim rights activist, poses this scenario in a recent newspaper column. Suppose a Malay and ...

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