Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News8 new results for Liberals
Polls project Liberal majority
Ottawa Citizen
By Lee Greenberg, The Ottawa Citizen October 5, 2011 10:01 PM Ontario Liberal Party Leader Dalton McGuinty speaks during a rally in Oakville on Wednesday. Polls predict that the Liberals are headed for a third straight majority. ...
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Joanne Chianello: Making the case for casting your ballot
Ottawa Citizen
Before the election, the Tories were way ahead, then neck-and-neck with the Liberals, who seem to have pulled ahead in the past few days, even into majority territory according to some polls. Yet others still have the PCs slightly in front. ...
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Why liberals now heart "Occupy Wall Street"
CBS News
Once liberals stopped and took a long look at the motley protesters with funny signs, they began to see something they'd long envied with an irrational fervor: the Tea Party. It wasn't just that OWS was the only thing happening. ...
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Manitoba victory buoys Ontario NDP on campaign's final day
Globe and Mail
While the party has consistently trailed the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives, polls suggest it could be headed for its best result in two decades, and Ms. Horwath's final-day itinerary is taking her to several ridings the NDP believes it can ...
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Globe and Mail
Stephen Maher: Fundraising to get more entertaining
National Post (blog)
OTTAWA—In December 2007, Conservative Party campaign director Doug Finley sent a fundraising letter to supporters across the country, drawing their attention to an apparent conspiracy between the CBC and the Liberals. CBC reporter Krista Erickson had ...
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Union accuses Liberals of playing politics with GO workers
Toronto Star
The day before the Ontario election, the union representing GO bus drivers set a new Oct. 24 strike deadline and came out swinging at the provincial Liberal government and its Metrolinx agency, which operates GO Transit. On Wednesday, the union accused ...
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Liberal Sorbara ambiguous on post-election deals
Beginning of Story Content Greg Sorbara, the chair of the Ontario Liberal election campaign, deflected questions about what his party would do in the event of a minority government in an interview with CBC's Metro Morning. Polls have suggested that ...
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Liberal Leader Gerrard victorious in River Heights
Beginning of Story Content Manitoba Liberal Party Leader Jon Gerrard has retained his riding of River Heights in southwest Winnipeg. The 63-year-old physician has held the seat since 1999, but his party has not had much more of a presence in the ...
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Web1 new result for Liberals
RealClearPolitics - Obama Goes on Attack, to Liberals' Delight
Obama Team Targets Minorities, Core Liberals Peter Wallsten, Wash Post. President Obama's campaign is developing an aggressive new program to expand ...

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