Friday, October 7, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Federal Liberals can only look to Ontario counterparts with envy
Vancouver Sun
Does that mean the federal Liberals can come back from the brink of death as well? OTTAWA — Scant months ago, things were looking grim for Canadian Liberals. The federal party suffered a historic defeat in May. In Ontario, Dalton McGuinty's two-term ...
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Former Liberal leader Dion calls Senate reform plan 'irresponsible'
Vancouver Sun
By Peter O'Neil, Postmedia News October 7, 2011 6:05 PM Former Liberal leader Stephane Dion says the Harper Conservatives are pursuing an "irresponsible" course to Senate reform. OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper is taking an "irresponsible ...
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Liberals win two out of three ridings in Windsor-Essex
The Essex seat was vacant after the death of popular Liberal MPP Bruce Crozier, who served the riding for 16 years. Natyshak came out of the gates seemingly the favourite, holding of a late charge by PC candidate David Brister, who couldn't gain enough ...
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BC NDP Leader stoic in face of promising poll numbers
Globe and Mail
Yet NDP Leader Adrian Dix, once referenced as a modern, grim-faced version of the Soviet communist dictator, was not going to gloat about a new opinion survey that gives his party a substantial lead over the governing Liberals. ...
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Globe and Mail
All Ottawa incumbents re-elected
Liberal Grant Crack, who took the seat over from retired Liberal Jean-Marc LaLonde, has won in Glengarry-Prescott Russell, and incumbent Liberals Bob Chiarelli in Ottawa West-Nepean, Yasir Naqvi in Ottawa Centre, Phil McNeely in Ottawa-Orleans, ...
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Holding the balance of power, Horwath calls for stable Ontario
Globe and Mail
She refuted any suggestion the Liberals would be able to lure one of her MPPs away to give them a majority, reiterated her call for the premier to recall the legislature as soon as possible and said that, despite Mr. McGuinty's attacks on her during ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals may be forced to work with NDP, prof says
The Sudbury Star
By Rita Poliakov/The Sudbury Star The Liberal minority government may be forced to collaborate closely with the NDP, John Peters, a Laurentian University political science professor, said on Friday. And Rick Bartolucci is OK with that. ...
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NDP and Liberals big winners in student vote
Chatham Daily News
By Blair Andrews - Special to The Daily News Voters of the future chose a NDP minority government and a Liberal opposition in the Student Vote's parallel election in Ontario. More than 320000 students under the voting age cast ballots in the mock ...
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Ford denies his governance hurt Ontario PCs
With all the votes counted, the Liberals won 53 ridings, one short of the 54 needed for a majority, while the Tories ended up with 37 seats. The PCs didn't pick up any seats in Toronto, despite aggressively targeting several ridings in the city. ...
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Green energy sector cheers Ontario election result
The victory by the Ontario Liberals in Thursday's election was their third in a row, but they fell one seat short of a majority, meaning they will need support from opposition legislators to pass bills. Although the possible fragility of a minority ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Timiskaming-Cochrane Liberals fall to orange crush ...
By ljcampbell
STURGEON FALLS – There was a lot of head scratching at the Liberal campaign headquarters for Denis Bonin in Sturgeon Falls after the riding of Timiskaming-Cochrane turned from red to orange. Bonin finished a distant second to New ...

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