Saturday, October 8, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Column: Liberal fortunes squarely on Christy's shoulders
The Province
A seven-point gap is majority-government territory for the NDP, while the third-place BC Conservatives threaten to erode Liberal support even more. Now you know why Christy Clark cancelled plans for a fall election! These numbers are downright ugly for ...
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Liberal brand alive and well in Ontario
Vancouver Sun
By Don Butler, Postmedia News October 8, 2011 Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty was given up for dead earlier this year, yet his Liberals have formed the government again. Scant months ago, things were looking grim for Canadian Liberals. ...
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Stephen Harper, meet your unofficial opposition
Globe and Mail
No such agenda existed, he told reporters, and even if it did, "We will have, for some time to come, a Liberal Senate, a Liberal civil service … and courts that have been appointed by the Liberals." Not only does Mr. Harper finally have his majority ...
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Globe and Mail
Horwath's humble pie at the Farmers' Market
Hamilton Spectator
The Hamilton Centre MPP, who easily won re-election, was not worried the Liberals will be able to poach an MPP from her caucus. "They can try all they want, but we elected some fantastic members, some new MPPs, and I am looking forward to having our ...
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Liberal 'mess' aiding NDP, Dunderdale says
Apparent gains by the New Democrats on Newfoundland and Labrador's campaign trail have come thanks to disarray in the Liberal party, Tory leader Kathy Dunderdale says. The NDP are aiming to make a historic breakthrough in Tuesday's election, ...
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Whatever your preference, Greens sit pretty
Sydney Morning Herald
Photo: Craig Abraham ADAM Bandt is likely to hold the seat of Melbourne even if the Liberals direct preferences against him next election, a Galaxy poll suggests. Mr Bandt snatched the seat from Labor at the 2010 federal election after the Liberals ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Hollywood liberals are taking a big risk being seen with the Occupy Wall ... (blog)
For three years, movie industry liberals have lacked an outlet for their outrage. Although Obama has upset many with his cautious approach, they've felt unable to speak up for fear of losing an invite to the White House. The Occupy Wall Street movement ...
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Dangerous liaisons
National Post
Though it is possible that recounts might alter the final tally, the Dalton McGuinty-led Liberals have been returned to power, albeit with far fewer seats. Any potential recounts might prove particularly important after this result, as the Liberals are ...
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Federal Liberal Party fast-tracks preselections in eight key seats
Picture: Tracee Lea Source: The Daily Telegraph Liberals will target troubled Labor MP Craig Thomson, Member for the NSW seat of Dobell, first. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Advertiser THE federal Liberal Party has begun fast-tracking preselections in ...
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Canadians don't want to mess with a good thing
Toronto Sun
So why did we — and the Harper Conservatives and the Ghiz Liberals and the Selinger New Democrats — win, in difficult circumstances and against able opponents? All of the losing parties campaigned for "change," in one way or another. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Why Unhappy People Become Liberals - Big Government
By Lawrence Meyers
Unhappy people become Liberals. People seek out those that are similar. Birds of a feather flock together. An unhappy person looks around and sees two groups: happy people, and unhappy people. Rather than take a page out of the former ...
Big Government

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